Solomon Stein
If you are Solomon Stein, a family member, or friend, and you would like to claim and edit this author page, please do the following:
If you are Solomon Stein, a family member, or friend, and you would like to claim and edit this author page, please do the following:
Show love for your country, audience or corporate sponsor by adding one or more patriotic effects, tips or suggestions to your program.
No one person could have invented so many effects. Solomon Stein, the author of Magic, Maestro, Please, reached out to the best minds in magic to bring you this fine collection of audience-pleasing magic.
As B. W. McCarron notes in the introduction, audiences like to feel that they are involved in a performance. By showing your audience that you care, you are going the extra mile that will result in more and better paying shows for you.
Patriotic effects make excellent photo opportunities...
Whether you perform on the stage, platform, or for more intimate audiences, there's sure to be something you can use in this terrific ebook. The author and his friends, including Edward Saint, provide a plethora of entertaining illusions and mysteries that you'll be proud to perform.
We liked the original book, but felt the editing left something to be desired. Now with a modern face lift, these effects are ready to amaze your audiences. Includes a mix of straight and comedic magic involving cards, rope, silks, an escape, a livestock appearance that's as nice as anything you can buy from...