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Spelling Butterfly
by Raphaël Czaja

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Spelling Butterfly by Raphaël Czaja

A multi-prediction spelling effect with an unexpected climax!

EFFECT: The magician introduces a stack of predictions to demonstrate the spectator and him are connected through their favorite playing card.

Using a regular deck, the spectator combines the suit and the value of two selections to create a playing card only known to him. Then, he mentally spells its name as the magician deals one card for each letter. He stops him at the last letter/card which is turned face up: The 2♣. The magician spells out the 2♣ to get to another card and so on, until he runs out of cards. The face-up cards end up being the 2♣, A♥, 10♣ and 5♦.

The predictions are revealed one by one: FOUR CARDS ARE FACE UP; TWO CARDS ARE EVEN; THERE IS NO SPADE; THE THIRD CARD IS MY FAVORITE ... THE 10 OF CLUBS. They are all correct!

The trick seems to be over but the magician has an afterthought: If the spectator's card led to his, might his card lead to the spectator's? From the top of the deck, he spells out T-E-N-O-F-C-L-U-B-S and stops at the last letter/card. Only now the spectator reveals he thought of the K♦. The card is turned face up: It is the K♦!

NOTE: Easy to do. Fast reset. No gimmick. No duplicate. The deck is regular and can be shown face up before and after the performance.

1st edition 2019, 13 pages.
word count: 1950 which is equivalent to 7 standard pages of text

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Magic & Mentalism / Cards

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