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by T. Shekleton Henry

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Spookland by T. Shekleton Henry

Spirit materialization and fraudulent mediums.

A record of research and experiment in a much-talked-of realm of mystery, with a review and criticism of the so-called spiritualistic phenomena of spirit materialization and hints and illustration as to the possibility of artificially producing the same.

Excerpt from the author's preface:

In placing the following pages before the public, the author is actuated by two motives: - Firstly, that recent occurrences in our midst, relating to some of the so-called phenomena of Spiritualism, and questioning the evidence on which these phenomena profess to stand, and notably the occurrence of Friday, October 12th, have created a widespread, sensational, and general interest throughout Australasia.

The second reason for this publication is somewhat different.

In dealing with a field of research which necessitates the employment of a class of individuals at all times more or less associated with trickery or imposture, it behooves the investigator to be upon his guard, and while retaining an impartial judgment, to be fully alive to every possibility of fraud and trickery. The man of business, in the course of daily commercial transactions, works upon this principle; and while casting no personal reflection upon his fellow-citizen does not leave it in the power of that other to dupe him.

The author illustrates how, from personal experiment, he is able to produce the exact semblance of Materialized Spirit forms, under Spiritualistic conditions, and explains how any individual may do the same.

For the etymology of the title "Spookland," as expressing the haunt or plane of the "Spook," readers are referred to current Theosophical Treatises.

This book release was countered with a release of A Counterblast to Spookland by Psyche.

  • Chapter II: The "Test" Seances and Criticisms. TEST No. 1. - The Materialization of Spirits While the Medium is Sitting Outside Cabinet.
  • Chapter III: TEST No. 2: The First Photographic Séance - "Geordie" Photographed.
  • Chapter IV: TEST No. 3: The Second Photographic Seance, and the Result. TEST No. 4: The Third Photographic Seance, and Remarkable Developments.
  • Chapter V: TEST No. 5: The Seance for Weighing the "Spirits," and the Result.
  • Chapter VI: TEST No. 6: The Alleged Exposure of Friday, 12th October, 1894, and What Led Up to It - The Evidence of the Various Witnesses; Further Revelations by the President of the Spiritualists' Association; Public Comment and Interesting Correspondence.
  • Chapter VII: The So-called "Tests" Criticised - Local Opinions Discussed.
  • Chapter VIII: Mrs. Mellon, the Foremost and Most Remarkable Materializing Medium of the World - Her Life Reviewed - Her Own Statements as to Early History of Her Materializing Spirits "Geordie," "Cissie," etc., with Extracts from Accounts of Seances Held by Her in England.
  • Chapter IX: The Broad Question of the So-called Spiritualistic Phenomena of Spirit Materialization Considered - The Evidence on Which it Stands.
  • Chapter X: Some Possible Explanations for the So-called Phenomena of Spirit Materialization Illustrated - Art and Science Combined - A Warning to the Credulous.

1st edition 1894, reprinted 1902, 74 pages; PDF 82 pages.
word count: 38158 which is equivalent to 152 standard pages of text

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