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Stephen Shaw

Stephen Shaw

Stephen Shaw is a semi-professional magician from the United Kingdom, with an interest in all things magical. As an avid fan of the printed word, Stephen has been instrumental in the proofreading of several major pieces of magical literature. With over 15 years experience in the industry, a good chunk of which as a magic dealer, Stephen prides himself on his knowledge of magic books, and considers himself a true lover of the art.

Coauthors: Michael Murray

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Michael Murray & Stephen Shaw
Once Removed by Michael Murray & Stephen Shaw

Once Removed is a hands-off approach to the think-a-card plot.

You will be taught a method for revealing a mere thought of card in an extremely fair manner. There are no peeks or forces, and the deck can be given away after the performance if you so wish. Unlike most handling's, the spectator can truly think of any card, and can do this before the deck is even introduced. The clever principle at play allows you to easily discern the thought of card with very minimal memory work (no more difficult than, say, an "invisible deck"), allowing you to focus fully on presentation. The nature of the...