$20(7 customer ratings) ★★★★★
Racherbaumer, a man of words - sometimes strong words, sometimes exotic words, sometimes provocative words, sometimes strange words - but always thoughtful and worth reading, wrote a two year column in The Greater Son of the Bat Jr. journal (S.O.B.jr.). All 24 installments of this column are collected here. You will find a lot of Marlo-vian talk, good tricks and interesting articles.
I was not a magician in the late 70s, so I cannot say how it was back then in the 'good old times', but reading Sticks and Stones allowed me to imagine how - I am sure - it must have been.
- Ace Transpo Edward Marlo
- Afterthought Aces Jon Racherbaumer
- All Backs David L. Bendix
- Another Visual Surprise Edward Marlo
- Closet Cupid (name withheld)
- Collectwist Robert Walker
- Collectwist Dave Solomon
- Colorful 21-Card Trick Edward Marlo
- Curtailed Placement Edward Marlo
- Dial Operator 999 Jon Racherbaumer
- Dice Combine Marvin Johnson
- Dunbury Sandwich Robert Walker
- Ever-Ready C.O.C. Roland Hurley
- Every Chance Jon Racherbaumer
- First Aid Sandwich Edward Marlo
- Four-Play Jon Racherbaumer
- Fourtold Four-Fold From Scratch Gene Castillon
- Futzless! Carmen D'Amico/Jon Racherbaumer
- I Need A Magic Wand Edward Marlo
- Interlaced Vanish Variant Jon Racherbaumer
- Interpretation Of A Dream Edward Marlo
- Is Being Two-Faced Worth It?
- It Ain't Impossible! Edward Marlo
- Lady Spinners Edward Marlo
- Logical Twist Robert Walker
- Marlo's Zig-Zag Edward Marlo
- Mental Reverse Plus Edward Marlo
- Mindreading Joker Edward Marlo
- Minreading Selection, The Jon Racherbaumer
- Missing In Action Jon Racherbaumer/Gene Castillon
- More Dreams Edward Marlo
- Movie Transpo Edward Marlo
- One For The Boys Simon Aronson/Dave Solomon
- One, Two, Three...Think! Dave Solomon & Edward Marlo
- Open Prediction (12th) Edward Marlo
- Psi Chic Spell Jon Racherbaumer
- Quadruple Profit Dave Solomon
- Reset Repair Dave Solomon
- Return Of The Aces William P. Miesel
- Rightside Up Dave Solomon
- Solomon's Sandwich Dave Solomon
- Spectator Counts Down The Aces, The Jon Racherbaumer
- Spelling The Gone Aces Alex Elmsley
- Stranger In Faro-Dise Gene Castillon
- Subconcious Edward Marlo
- Subtle Dream, A Edward Marlo
- Tally-Hokum Gene Castillon
- Touch Turn Ala Cascade Robert Walker
- Variation Justin Branch
- Wizard Outdone, The John Cornelius
- Wright Wronged
- Apology to Jack Potter and origin of mathematical principle AMENDS section
- Big Challenge, The Jon Racherbaumer
- Brief Quiz on Erdnase and his classic book AENOS section
- Cardman's I.Q. Test Jon Racherbaumer
- Classified Jon Racherbaumer
- Contest Results Jon Racherbaumer
- Cute? Jon Racherbaumer
- Da Vinci Card Trick? AENOS section
- Ding-A-Ling Dong (Satire) Jon Racherbaumer
- Effects! Jon Racherbaumer
- Getting Lost in the Shuffle Jon Racherbaumer
- How Deep is this Illusion? Jon Racherbaumer
- An Interview... Jon Racherbaumer
- An Interview (Continued) Jon Racherbaumer
- Metaphors for Magicians OBITER DICTUM section
- Note on Reconstructing Effects AENOS section
- On Busby controversy and Four-Play effect
- On Ceasing and Books OBITER DICTUM section
- On Conjurers Monthly Magazine OBITER DICTUM section
- On Creativity and Originality EPIPLEXIS section
- On Daryl Martinez, Sid Lorraine, Danny Korem and more OBITER DICTUM section
- On Edmund Wilson OBITER DICTUM section
- On Garcia's "Wild Card Miracles" OBITER DICTUM section
- On Johnny Carson, Larry Wilson, Jimmy Grippo, George Burns and Hofzinser OBITER DICTUM section
- On Magic Terminology AENOS section
- On Marlo-Jennings Controversy AENOS section
- On the Origin of Marlo's Perfect Stop Trick EPIPLEXIS section
- On the Patrick Page Ouster
- On Prior Credits EPIPLEXIS section
- On Simon Aronson OBITER DICTUM section
- On Triumph AENOS section
- On Uri Geller OBITER DICTUM section
- Origin of the 'Curse of Scotland' OBITER DICTUM section
- Parting Shots Jon Racherbaumer
- Rationale for Making Variations AENOS section
- Re: Views Jon Racherbaumer
- Statement of Purpose OBITER DICTUM section
- "Too Perfect" Imperfect? William Zavis
- A Very Short Review of a New Book on the False Deal Jon Racherbaumer
- You Can't Count on Jordan Jon Racherbaumer, EPIPLEXIS section
word count: 75392 which is equivalent to 301 standard pages of text