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Sticks and Stones: a leaflet for the left hand
by Jon Racherbaumer


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Sticks and Stones: a leaflet for the left hand by Jon Racherbaumer

Racherbaumer, a man of words - sometimes strong words, sometimes exotic words, sometimes provocative words, sometimes strange words - but always thoughtful and worth reading, wrote a two year column in The Greater Son of the Bat Jr. journal (S.O.B.jr.). All 24 installments of this column are collected here. You will find a lot of Marlo-vian talk, good tricks and interesting articles. I was not a magician in the late 70s, so I cannot say how it was back then in the 'good old times', but reading Sticks and Stones allowed me to imagine how - I am sure - it must have been.

    1. Ace Transpo Edward Marlo
    2. Afterthought Aces Jon Racherbaumer
    3. All Backs David L. Bendix
    4. Another Visual Surprise Edward Marlo
    5. Closet Cupid (name withheld)
    6. Collectwist Robert Walker
    7. Collectwist Dave Solomon
    8. Colorful 21-Card Trick Edward Marlo
    9. Curtailed Placement Edward Marlo
    10. Dial Operator 999 Jon Racherbaumer
    11. Dice Combine Marvin Johnson
    12. Dunbury Sandwich Robert Walker
    13. Ever-Ready C.O.C. Roland Hurley
    14. Every Chance Jon Racherbaumer
    15. First Aid Sandwich Edward Marlo
    16. Four-Play Jon Racherbaumer
    17. Fourtold Four-Fold From Scratch Gene Castillon
    18. Futzless! Carmen D'Amico/Jon Racherbaumer
    19. I Need A Magic Wand Edward Marlo
    20. Interlaced Vanish Variant Jon Racherbaumer
    21. Interpretation Of A Dream Edward Marlo
    22. Is Being Two-Faced Worth It?
    23. It Ain't Impossible! Edward Marlo
    24. Lady Spinners Edward Marlo
    25. Logical Twist Robert Walker
    26. Marlo's Zig-Zag Edward Marlo
    27. Mental Reverse Plus Edward Marlo
    28. Mindreading Joker Edward Marlo
    29. Minreading Selection, The Jon Racherbaumer
    30. Missing In Action Jon Racherbaumer/Gene Castillon
    31. More Dreams Edward Marlo
    32. Movie Transpo Edward Marlo
    33. One For The Boys Simon Aronson/Dave Solomon
    34. One, Two, Three...Think! Dave Solomon & Edward Marlo
    35. Open Prediction (12th) Edward Marlo
    36. Psi Chic Spell Jon Racherbaumer
    37. Quadruple Profit Dave Solomon
    38. Reset Repair Dave Solomon
    39. Return Of The Aces William P. Miesel
    40. Rightside Up Dave Solomon
    41. Solomon's Sandwich Dave Solomon
    42. Spectator Counts Down The Aces, The Jon Racherbaumer
    43. Spelling The Gone Aces Alex Elmsley
    44. Stranger In Faro-Dise Gene Castillon
    45. Subconcious Edward Marlo
    46. Subtle Dream, A Edward Marlo
    47. Tally-Hokum Gene Castillon
    48. Touch Turn Ala Cascade Robert Walker
    49. Variation Justin Branch
    50. Wizard Outdone, The John Cornelius
    51. Wright Wronged
    1. Apology to Jack Potter and origin of mathematical principle AMENDS section
    2. Big Challenge, The Jon Racherbaumer
    3. Brief Quiz on Erdnase and his classic book AENOS section
    4. Cardman's I.Q. Test Jon Racherbaumer
    5. Classified Jon Racherbaumer
    6. Contest Results Jon Racherbaumer
    7. Cute? Jon Racherbaumer
    8. Da Vinci Card Trick? AENOS section
    9. Ding-A-Ling Dong (Satire) Jon Racherbaumer
    10. Effects! Jon Racherbaumer
    11. Getting Lost in the Shuffle Jon Racherbaumer
    12. How Deep is this Illusion? Jon Racherbaumer
    13. An Interview... Jon Racherbaumer
    14. An Interview (Continued) Jon Racherbaumer
    15. Metaphors for Magicians OBITER DICTUM section
    16. Note on Reconstructing Effects AENOS section
    17. On Busby controversy and Four-Play effect
    18. On Ceasing and Books OBITER DICTUM section
    19. On Conjurers Monthly Magazine OBITER DICTUM section
    20. On Creativity and Originality EPIPLEXIS section
    21. On Daryl Martinez, Sid Lorraine, Danny Korem and more OBITER DICTUM section
    22. On Edmund Wilson OBITER DICTUM section
    23. On Garcia's "Wild Card Miracles" OBITER DICTUM section
    24. On Johnny Carson, Larry Wilson, Jimmy Grippo, George Burns and Hofzinser OBITER DICTUM section
    25. On Magic Terminology AENOS section
    26. On Marlo-Jennings Controversy AENOS section
    27. On the Origin of Marlo's Perfect Stop Trick EPIPLEXIS section
    28. On the Patrick Page Ouster
    29. On Prior Credits EPIPLEXIS section
    30. On Simon Aronson OBITER DICTUM section
    31. On Triumph AENOS section
    32. On Uri Geller OBITER DICTUM section
    33. Origin of the 'Curse of Scotland' OBITER DICTUM section
    34. Parting Shots Jon Racherbaumer
    35. Rationale for Making Variations AENOS section
    36. Re: Views Jon Racherbaumer
    37. Statement of Purpose OBITER DICTUM section
    38. "Too Perfect" Imperfect? William Zavis
    39. A Very Short Review of a New Book on the False Deal Jon Racherbaumer
    40. You Can't Count on Jordan Jon Racherbaumer, EPIPLEXIS section

word count: 75392 which is equivalent to 301 standard pages of text