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Super Unnatural
by David Davis

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Super Unnatural by David Davis

An automatic routine in six phases with many surprises. Absolutely no skill required!

A delightful sequence of clever-looking card magic performed without skill or sleights of any kind. Not one trick but a whole series of tricks blending one into the other and all depending upon one clever set-up. Work it at once! You have only to learn the routine to be able to present it. The working is completely automatic. You'll be amazed yourself as you do it. At the uncanny way everything has been thought so that the performance of one trick leaves you all ready to perform the next.

A pack of cards is shuffled and cut and then in a succession of surprises the aces keep turning up in a bewildering and inexplicable manner, then, to keep them company, you discover the kings and tens from the pack, finally revealing a spectator's freely chosen card. Think of this: during the routine you continue to spell the name of some cards, count up to their value, add up the value of a chosen bunch, etc. repeatedly finding the aces then the kings and lastly the tens.

It's a great routine. All you need are these special instructions and any deck of cards. You'll soon be "all set" to astound every one with your apparent skill.

1st edition 1965; PDF 6 pages.
word count: 1479 which is equivalent to 5 standard pages of text