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Ten New Prepared Card Tricks
by Charles Thorton Jordan


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Ten New Prepared Card Tricks by Charles Thorton Jordan

This is number four of Jordan's Ten New Tricks Series. At one time Jordan prepared and sold faked cards and routines that went along with them. When he stopped doing this he decided to select the ten best faked card tricks and collect them in this booklet. You get the description of how to prepare the faked cards yourself as well as the routines.

1st edition, 1920, Penngrove, California; 24 pages.

  1. Preface.
  2. The Spirit Aces.
  3. The Spook Card.
  4. The Demon Color Change.
  5. A Unique Reverse.
  6. Divino.
  7. Joker Monte.
  8. Pedro Monte.
  9. Speaking of Pink Elephants.
  10. The Contrary Clock.
  11. Transcendental Vision.

word count: 5385 which is equivalent to 21 standard pages of text