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Terry LaGerould

Terry LaGerould

(Michigan, USA: flourished 1970s - 90s)

Pro close-up cardman, long at major casinos in Las Vegas, Reno (Caesar's Palace), and Lake Tahoe. Tricks in Apocalypse and Magic. See Bruce Florek, The Tahoe File: Card Magic by Terry Lagerould (1982, 23pp); and Wayne Whiting and Terry LaGerould, Terry LaGerould's Pasteboard Presentations (1992, 122pp).

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Terry LaGerould
Terry LaGerould: Sessions by Terry LaGerould

This video package includes the complete Sessions with Terry LaGerould and also Terry's extensive work with dice: Die-Lirious (complete, unique Dr. Sack's Dice Routine) and Terry's "Die-Ametricks" . . . a further bewildering series of visual changes with a pair of legitimate dice as performed at Caesar's for decades in Lake Tahoe, Nevada.

Terry LaGerould is one of the finest close-up entertainers in the world today. Terry's work has met with critical acclaim by everyone from Bob Stencel to Bruce Florek, Lance Pierce, and Bill Malone. Terry's plots are clear and direct, his methods clean and...

Terry LaGerould
Terry LaGerould: Super Session 2015 by Terry LaGerould

Kept under wraps for over a decade, Terry LaGerould offers up a beautiful collection of his visually arresting, impromptu, magical miracles for 2015 . . . all backed by his uniquely strong presentational angles.

Includes: Blame It on the Milkman, Club Sandwich, A Puzzling Poker Hand, What Goes Down Must Come Up, Yanked, The Invisible Deal, Vigilante, Grand Slam, Outlaws, Flashjacks, and much more.

Yanked, Vigilante, Flashjacks, and Grand Slam are four routines you'll want to immediately add to your working repertoire. It is fun, memorable, amazing magic that you'll enjoy performing anytime,...

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