One of the popular magic magazines of the twenties was published by Thayer under the name of Thayer's Magical Bulletin. The publication contained, along with news of magicians, etc., instructions for many fine tricks. Thayer also issued regularly a small house organ of about six pages called Thayer's Magical Ballygram. These were not dated, although No. 25 mentions the year 1928, No. 32, the year 1929, and No. 42, the year 1931. I have Nos. 1 to 70 but understand that there were 12 more issued later. The Ballygram mainly described the new tricks that came out since Thayer's last catalog, thus keeping prospective customers apprised of the latest effects available. Some of these tricks were never included in Thayer catalogs at all. In fact, some of the tricks explained in this book are accompanied by illustrations and descriptions taken from various Ballygrams.