Max Sterling discontinued his weekly magic journal The Magical World in May 1911. After two years he restarted it for another period less than a year long. This second series from June 14th, 1913 until February 4th, 1914, is included in this PDF, 582 pages. It is not easy to publish a weekly conjuring periodical.
Number 1 (June 4th, 1913)
- Protection
- Between Ourselves
- American Notes
- What Others are Doing - Houdini
- Practial Magic - Cut and Restored Hat
- Pithy Patter - Torn Strip of Paper
- In Open Council
- Whereabouts this Week
- Cards - A Pre-arranged Pack
- For Beginners - Handkerchief Dyeing Extraordinary
- The de Kolta Cube
- Wizards at Dinner
- Magical Societies
Number 2 (June 11th, 1913)
- More on Protection
- Between Ourselves
- American Notes
- What Others are Doing - Picitt & Lizette
- Practical Magic - Rapid Raising of Roses
- Ventriloquial Dialogue / J. Meadows
- Comedy Umbrella-Stick
- Impromptu With Matches
- In Open Council
- Cards - A Subtle Card Change
- Whereabouts this Week
- Reviews
- Magical Societies
Number 3 (June 18th, 1913)
- Magic in a Hurry
- Between Ourselves
- About Ourselves
- What others are Doing - The Pekin Mysteries
- Practical Magic - The Watch among the Gold Fish
- In Open Council
- Claims for Priority
- Impromptu - The Paper Balls
- Whereabouts this Week
- Pithy Patter - Flag and Ribbons
- Magical Societies
Number 4 (June 25th, 1913)
- A Victory for Originality
- Between Ourselves
- What Others are Doing - Henri Bekker
- Practical Magic - "Ceeanbee" Matchbox
- Impromptu - The Paper Balls
- Honest Swindles - A New Style for Patter
- Whereabouts this Week
- Those Exclusive (!) Secrets
- In Open Council
- A Simple Thimble Holder
- Magical Societies
Number 5 (July 2nd, 1913)
- A Talk on Showmanship
- Between Ourselves
- What Others are Doing - Bernard
- Practical Magic - The World in a Nutshell
- Impromptu - The Evanescent Coin, by Chung Ling Soo
- Cards - The "Brush" Change
- Professional Movements this Week
- In Open Council - The Silver Hat
- Reviews, Magical Societies
Number 6 (July 9th, 1913)
- Between Ourselves
- Honesty in Magic
- What Others are Doing - Takase
- Practical Magic - A Clever Balancing Feat
- Incubation Extraordinary
- The Vanishing Canary
- Professional Movements This Week
- In Open Council - A Claim to Priority
- For Beginners - Another Coin and Glass Trick
- Cards - A Comedy Card Frame
- The Wrestling Cheese
- Reviews
- Magical Societies
- The Tomato Trick
Number 7 (July 16th, 1913)
- Topical Magic
- Between Ourselves
- What Others are Doing - Paul Vandy
- Practical Magic - The Broken Mirror
- Devant le Roi
- Professional Movements this Week
- In Open Council - The Wizard's Choice
- Houdini and American Press
- A Quadruple Vanishing Knot
- Impromptu - The Vanishing Matches
- Magical Societies
Number 8 (July 23rd, 1913)
- Vesting
- Between Ourselves
- What Others are Doing - Prince Masculin & Co.
- Practical Magic - Levitation of a Glass of Wine
- The Figure 8
- Professional Movements
- De Biere in Australia
- Improved Wine and Water Trick
- Magic on Decline
- In Open Council - Topical Magic
- For Beginners - Egg and Handkerchief Trick
- Society Notes
Number 9 (July 30th, 1913)
- The Decline in American Magic
- Between Ourselves
- What Others are Doing - Cecil Lyle
- Practical Magic - Finger Through Hat
- In Open Council
- Professional Movements
- Is it?
- Second Sight
- Bewitched Walking Stick
- Cards - The Slip Colour Change
- Magic Society - Ladies' Night
- Answers to Correspondents
Number 10 (August 6th, 1913)
- A Timely Plea
- Between Ourselves
- Another 'Exclusive Secret'
- What Others are Doing - Siems
- Practical Magic - Producing Pack of Cards
- In Open Council
- Professional Movements
- "Dr. Wilmar" and Robert Ganthony
- For Beginners - A Fruitful Experiment
- Reviews
- Original Billiard Ball Vanish
- Answers to Correspondents
Number 11 (August 13th, 1913)
- Buying a Trick
- Between Ourselves
- What Others are Doing - Mr. Hymack
- Practical Magic - The Crystal Dyer
- Stanes Prem v. Horace Goldin
- In Open Council
- Professional Movements
- Society Notes
- A New Four Ace Trick
- For Beginners - Shaping a Programme
- A Spirit Vest
- Answers to Correspondents
- A Simple Smoke-room Wheeze
Number 12 (August 20th, 1913)
- The "Novelty" Craze
- Between Ourselves
- What Others are Doing - Como
- Practical Magic - The Crazy Coffee Trick
- Professional Movements
- New and Exclusive Coils
- In Open Council - The Decline of Magic; Hard and Dry Hands
- Mail Order Magic
- Answers to Correspondents
Number 13 (August 27th, 1913)
- Write your own Patter
- Between Ourselves
- What Others are Doing - Professor Earle
- Practical Magic - A Novel "Twentieth Century" Handkerchief Trick
- More Topical Magic
- Impromptu Pocket Trick
- Professional Movements
- In Open Council
- A tip for holding Loads for Hats
- Cards
- Answers to Correspondents
Number 14 (September 3rd, 1913)
- Possible Programmes
- Between Ourselves
- What Others are Doing - C. H. Charlton
- Practical Magic - How Time Flies
- For Beginners - Another "Smashed" Watch
- Smoke-room Wheezes - Faked Cigarettes
- Professional Movements
- In Open Council - More Topical Magic; Magical Literature
- The Meteor Throw-out
- Reviews
Number 15 (September 10th, 1913)
- Some Possible Programmes
- Purely Personal
- Between Ourselves
- What Others are Doing - Max
- Practical Magic - Wholesale Flight
- De Vega's 12 Throw-outs
- Professional Movements
- In Open Council
- For Beginners - The Bewitched Candle
- Answers to Correspondents
- Society Notes
Number 16 (September 17th, 1913)
- More Possible Programmes
- Our Own Column
- Between Ourselves
- What Others are Doing - Oscar King
- Practical Magic - The "Sphinx" Flower Vase
- De Vega's Coils
- Professional Movements
- In Open Council - Topical Magic, Vanishing Knots, Bubbles, Golden Coils, Throwout Coils, To Drill Glass
- Useful Changing Tube
- Society Notes
- Reviews
Number 17 (September 24th, 1913)
- The Call of the Stage
- Purely Personal
- Between Ourselves
- What Others are Doing - The Great Darnell
- Practical Magic - A "Vanishing Card" Stand
- Professional Movements
- De Vega's Coils
- Smoke-Room Wheezes - More Faked Cigarettes
- In Open Council
- Pithy Patter - The Egg Bag
Number 18 (October 1st, 1913)
- Preparing a Programme
- Purely Personal
- Between Ourselves
- What Others are Doing - Leon Bosco and Co.
- Illusions - A Barrel Vanish in Mid-Air
- De Vega's Coils
- Professional Movements
- In Open Council - Re Ventriloquism Made Easy, etc.
- A Handkerchief Appearance
- Smoke Room Gags and Wheezes - Match-less Jokes, etc.
Number 19 (October 8th, 1913)
- Magic - An Accomplishment for Ladies
- Purely Personal
- Between Ourselves
- What Others are Doing - Amasis
- Practical Magic - "The Welcome Guest" - a complete comedy Magical Act
- In Open Council - Vanishing a Fan; Lighted Candle from Pocket; Magician's Pockets, The Needle Swallowing Feat
- De Vega's Coils
- Balsamo's House in Paris
- Pithy Patter - Torn Paper Strip
Number 20 (October 15th, 1913)
- Spiritualism Exposed
- Purely Personal
- Between Ourselves
- What Others are Doing - Mdlle. Margo
- Practical Magic - Simplex Changing Tray
- "The Welcome Guest" - Working Details
- De Vega's Coils
- Professional Movements
- In Open Council - Vanishing Contents of Glasses; Changing Eggs; Air hole in Glass; Manipulating Handkerchiefs
- Claims for Priority
- Credit where Credit is Due
- Pithy Patter - Wine and Water
Number 21 (October 22nd, 1913)
- Silk Handkerchiefs
- Purely Personal
- Between Ourselves
- What Others are Doing - Van Camp
- Practical Magic - Card and Handkerchief Passe Passe; The Yogi's Star
- Professional Movements
- Credit Where Credit Is Due
- The Magical Societies
- Pithy Patter - Aerial Treasury
- De Vega's Coils - The Lucky Treasure
Number 22 (October 29th, 1913)
- Magic to Music
- Between Ourselves
- What Others are Doing - Seekhett
- Egg to Ribbon
- The Colour-Changing Handkerchiefs
- Practical Magic - The Delvos Forcing Pack
- Professional Movements
- Magical Society Notes
- Pithy Patter
- De Vega's 12 Throw-outs
- In Open Council - The Detaches and REstored Coat Button; Sostume and Maek-up; Bare-handed Bouquet Production
- Incubator Cigarette - A Warning!
Number 23 (November 5th, 1913)
- A Plea for the Fee
- Purely Personal
- Between Ourselves
- What Others are Doing - Herbert Brooks
- Practical Magic - Materialisation of Painted Flowers
- A Variation for Water, Billiard Ball and Wine
- Professional Movements
- In Open Council - Match Extinguishing Tricks; Escutcheon Pins, Vanishing Cards
- Pithy Patter - Monoplanic Candle
- De Vega's Coils - The Snowball
- Answers to Correspondents
Number 24 (November 12th, 1913)
- Conjuring to Children
- Purely Personal
- Between Ourselves
- What Others are Doing - A. E. Bodie
- Practical Magic - A New "Four Aces and Kings"; Three Tubes Flower Production; The Clairvoyant Lump of Sugar
- Professional Movements
- In Open Council - Musical Glasses; Rice Bowls; Water Billiard Ball & Wine; etc.
- De Vega's Coils - The Rocket
- Magical Societies
- Answers to Correspondents
- An Interesting Puzzle
Number 25 (November 19th, 1913)
- A Standard of Honour
- Purely Personal
- Between Ourselves
- Programme
- Practical Magic - A Goldfish Vanish in Globe of Fire
- Military Magic - Making the Flag
- Professional Movements
- In Open Council - Credit where Credit is Due; Claims to Priority
- On Rolling Coils
- Society Notes
- Answers to Correspondents
Number 26 (November 26th, 1913)
- Frauds
- Purely Personal
- Between Ourselves
- Programme
- Practical Magic - A Challenge Paper-Tearing Feat
- Cards - The Divining Knife
- Professional Movements
- In Open Council
- Society Notes
- Magical Circle Banquet
Number 27 (December 3rd, 1913)
- Originality / J. N. Maskelyne
- Purely Personal
- Programme / F. Culpitt
- A Complete Fit-up / Owen Clark
- Professional Movements
- In Open Council
- Lessons in Practical Magic / Frank Holmes
- Reviews
- Answers to Correspondents
Number 28 (December 10th, 1913)
- Conjurer's Printing / Max Sterling
- Purely Personal
- Programme / Tom Jersey
- Lightning Humorous Cartooning / Lionel Klimsch
- Professional Movements
- In Open Council
- How to Become a Magician / Frank Holmes
- A Striking Match Effect
Number 29 (December 17th, 1913)
- Preserving Secrets / Vernon Foster
- Purely Personal
- Between Ourselves
- Programme - Mahatma
- Practical Magci / Mons. Picitt, Edward H. Taylor, Franz E. Eaton Fearn
- Professional Movements
- In Open Council
- How to become a Magician / Frank Holmes
- Magical Reviews
- Society Notes
Number 30 (December 24th, 1913)
- Christmas Greetings
- Preserving Secrets / Ernest E. Noakes, Couqelli
- Programme / Gard & Gard
- Practical Magic / Owen Clark
- Hints on Entertaining / Sidney Stein
- Professional Movements
- In Open Council
- How to Become a Magician / Frank Holmes
- Society News
Number 31 (December 31st, 1913)
- Exploiting Royal Favours / Max Sterling
- Purely Personal
- Between Ourselves
- Programme / Maskelyne & Devant
- Practical Magic - A Vanishing Candle
- Magicians' Costumes
- Professional Movements
- In Open Council
- How to Become a Magician / Frank Holmes
- Society News
- Magical Reviews
Number 32 (January 7th, 1914)
- The Reason Why / Max Sterling
- Purely Personal
- Between Ourselves
- Programme / Owen Clark
- Practical Magic - A Chinese Surprise Salver
- Magicians' Costumes
- Professional Movements
- How to Become a Magician / Frank Holmes
- In Open Council
- Magical Reviews
Number 33 (January 14th, 1914)
- Change your Act / Max Sterling
- Purely Personal
- Between Ourselves
- Programme / Travese
- Practical Magic / Cecil Lyle
- Real Magical History / G. W. Hunter
- Professional Movements
- In Open Council
- How to Become a Magician / Frank Holmes
- Reviews
Number 34 (January 21st, 1914)
- Invention: An Outraged Term / Max Sterling
- Purely Personal
- Between Ourselves
- Programme / Austen Temple
- Practical Magic / Karl Kay
- In Open Council
- Professional Movements
- How to Become a Magician / Frank Holmes
- Reviews
- Real Magical History / G. W. Hunter
Number 35 (January 28th, 1914)
- Not Quite the Same / Spitari
- Purely Personal
- Between Ourselves
- Programme / Prince Kuroki
- Practical Magic / Max Sterling
- The Striking Coin / Frank Holmes
- Professional Movements
- In Open Council
- Real Magical History / G. W. Hunter
- How to Become a Magician / Frank Holmes
- Society News
Number 36 (February 4th, 1914)
- How I Turned the Tables on a Sharper / Will Le Hay
- Between Ourselves
- Practical Magic / Ernest Salt
- Professional Movements
- Useful Automatic Servante / Wilton Warton
- In Open Council
- Real Magical History / G. W. Hunter
- How to Become a Magician / Frank Holmes
- Reviews
- Answers to Correspondents
word count: 265768 which is equivalent to 1063 standard pages of text