The 3rd international chess tournament in Monte Carlo was held from 10th February to 17th March 1903. World champion Lasker did not take part; he had just taken up residence in St. Louis, USA, as assistant professor of mathematics. Because of various disputes with the tournament management, Gunsberg, Janowski and Tschigorin had been disqualified.
Playing were the Hungarian Maroczy, the winner of the 1902 Monte Carlo tournament; the American champions Marshall and Pillsbury; the Viennese Marco, Schlechter and Wolf; the Englishmen Mason and Teichmann; Albin, Moreau and Taubenhaus from Paris; Mieses and Tarrasch from Germany; and Reggio from Italy.
Tarrasch suffered 3 defeats right in the beginning, but did not lose any game thereafter and achieved the first prize with a total of 20 points; Maroczy and Pillsbury took the 2nd and 3rd places.
1st edition 1903; 112 pages
word count: 43295 which is equivalent to 173 standard pages of text