Showing the various ways of performing tricks by sleight-of-hand on dice, cards, etc., together with many surprising deceptions.
- To change a Box of Bird Seed into a living Bird
- To thrust a Bodkin into your Forehead without any hurt
- Breslaw's grand Deception of the little learned Swan
- The mode of shewing the Hen and Egg Bag, and out of an empty Bag to bring upwards of an Hundred Eggs, and afterwards a live Hen
- How to seem to change a Card into a King or Queen
- Card burnt, and afterwards found in a Watch
- A curious trick played with a Fowl
- How to eat Fire, and blow it up in your Mouth with a pair of Bellows
- How to deliver Four Aces, and to convert them into Four Knaves
- How to blow a Sixpence out of another Man's Hand 9
- The Mystery of the Invisible Girl
- How to tell, without confederacy, what Card one thought of
- How to make a Card jump out of the Pack, and run on the Table
- To make any two Cards come together which any Person shall name
- To command a Sixpence out of a Box
- To tell the number of Spots on the bottom Cards laid down in several Heaps
- To shew one what Card he taketh Notice of
- Secret Writing produced by means of Cyphers
- The Artificial Bird, which sings when the Company desires it
- A Ring put into a Pistol, which is afterwards discovered in the Bill of a Dove in a Box, that has before been examined by the Company
- How to direct a Swarm of Bees at Pleasure
- Imitative Illuminations
- To pull any Person's Shirt off without undressing him, or having occasion for a Confederate
- How to let twenty different Persons draw as many Cards, and to make one Card every Person's Card
- How to cure the Tooth-Ache
- The manner of making Water freeze by the Fire-side
- To take a Bird out of a Cage, and make it seem as if dead, or to roll it about as you please
- To draw a Cord through your Nose
- An excellent Way to produce Laughter
- To make a Room seem all on Fire, mighty dreadful to behold
- To make a Knife leap out of a Pot
- How to kill any Fowl, but especially a pullet, and with words to give it life again
- Of Metallic Vegetation
- Arbor Martis, or Tree of Mars
- The Chinese Shadows. Ombres Chinioses
- Fulminating Gold
- To melt a piece of Steel as if it were Lead, without requiring a very great Fire
- Method of Engraving in Relief, on the Shell of a new laid Egg
- How to make the Constable catch the Knave
- How to tell one what Card he thought of
- How to let a Gentleman hold ten pieces of Money in his Hand, and to Command them into what number he can think of
- How to make sport with an Egg
- The philosophical Candle
- To make a Flash like that of Lightning, appear in a Room, when any one enters it with a lighted Candle
- Tracing Ink
- How to take a Shilling out of a Handkerchief
- How to cause the Beer you drink to seem to be wrung out of the handle of your Knife
- How to tell one what Card he seeth at the bottom, when the Card is shuffled in the Pack
- Another way, having yourself never seen the Cards
- Paper which when written on, the Characters shall be Invisible
- Method of employing the above kind of Paper for tracing out with great ease all sorts of Figures
- The mysterious Dial-plate, or the prudent Secretary
- Writing in Cyphers, which appears to be a piece of Music
- To tell or name all the Cards in the Pack, and yet never see them
1st edition 1870, 36 pages; PDF 25 pages.
word count: 12657 which is equivalent to 50 standard pages of text