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The Sphinx Volume 22 (Mar 1923 - Feb 1924)
by Albert M. Wilson


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The Sphinx Volume 22 (Mar 1923 - Feb 1924) by Albert M. Wilson
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NO. 1: MARCH 1923
Two Conjurjokers.3
The Hills of Tomorrow. By Edgar A. Guest.3
An Ode To Magic. By David Adler.3
The World of Magic.4
- The Society of American Magicians (Parent Assembly). By Richard Van Dien.4
- Golden Gate Assembly No. 2. By H. Syril Dusenbery.4
- Chicago Assembly No. 3. By Kolar.5
- St. Louis Assembly No. 8. By Ben R. Badley.5
- Twelve Weeks' Route of Hanson and Burton Sisters.5
- Doings of the Demons of Baltimore. By Robert W. Test.6
- Washington, D. C. Notes. By Harold P. White.6
- Indianagraphs. By E. E. Wood Nichols.6
- Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11. By Leslie P. Guest.7
- New Orleans Magicians' Club. By Geo. E. Pearce.7
- Brooklyn News.7
- Magical News From Everywhere. By Gene Gordon.7
- Prof. Edward Bamberg's Act.7
- Society of Osiris. By Louis E. Shilling.8
- Nashville Society Magique. By T. J. Crawford.8
- The Knights of Magic. By J. Feigenbaum.8
- Puzzling Pierson's Paragraph. New Magical Society Formed in New Haven. By Guy H. Pierson.9
- Los Angeles Society of Magicians. By G. E. Baxter.9
- Route of McDonald Birch, Care Ellison-White Lyceum.9
- News from Springfield, Mass. By Paul A. Noffke.9
- Notes from Newark. By James McKnight.9
- Watague Wizards' Association Notes. By "Claudio".9
- At the Broadway, New York City.9
- Cincinnati Notes. By Geo. Stock.10
- Magigrams. By Dorny. "Magic A La Carte".10
- Route of W. Dornfield (Dorny).10
- The National Conjurers' Association 314th Meeting. By Clinton Burgess.11
- The National Conjurers' Association 315th Meeting. By Louis Goodman11
- The National Conjurers' Association 316th Meeting. By Bro. Charles K. Hill.11
- Miscellaneous Magical Mention. By Clinton Burgess.12
- Chicago Chatter. By Kolar.14
- English Notes. By C. H. Tickell.14
Index to Volume 21. By H. F. Hamilton.15
Three Novel Methods of Revealing a Chosen Card. By W. A. Flaig.18
The Penny and Dime Trick. By Miss Flora McKnight, the girl with the radio eyes.18
Elites Find Delights in Rosencrances Sleights Rosencrance Unreasonable Card Parade. By C. W. Rosencrance.18
Responsive Alphabetic Letters (Paperology). By C. W. Rosencrance.18
The Glasgow Society of Magicians. By Will Dale.19
The Mysterious Deck of Cards - A Hofzinser Problem.19
Hocus Pocus. By Claudio. The Sucher Dice Box.20
Thought Projecting.20
The Multiplying Bill Trick. By Alex. Cuniglio.20
Lack of Uniformity in Prepared Cards. By Harold P. White.20
Rare Bits of Magic. By Frederick DeMuth: How to Conceal the Twist in the Afghan Bands; A Mysterious Mixup; The Egg and Confetti Change.21
Other Ways of Doing It. By H. F. Hamilton. The Floating Ball; The Hindoo Clock Dial; The Phantom Die; Ching Lee Blocks;21
The Spectator Choice. By Charles E. Behymer.22
Envelope Switch for Mindreading. By "Piffels" Bob Rettew.22
Try This One. By Hammel.22
Adventures in Magic. By Henry R. Evans.23
Partners Again. By Waldmann and Feigenbaum.24
How the "Sphinx" Helps. By Kolar.24
The Girl Conjurer. By C. H. Tickell: The Tricky Thimble; A Coin Trick; A Card Vanish.26
Novel Production of Bust and Stand. By Bert Douglas.26
Lightning Addition. By C. H. Tickell.28
Figure Magic. By C. H. Tickell.28

NO. 2: APRIL 1923
Ernest A. Carter.35
The Sharpness of Lowbrows.35
The World of Magic.36
- Golden Gate Assembly No. 2. By H. Syril Dusenbery.36
- Chicago Assembly No. 3. By Kolar.36
- St. Louis Assembly No. 8. By Ben R. Badley.37
- Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11. By Leslie P. Guest.37
- The National Conjurers' Association 317th Meeting. By Louis Goodman.37
- The National Conjurers' Association 318th Meeting. By Louis Goodman.38
- The Knights of Magic. By J. Feigenbaum.38
- Cincinnati Notes. By George Stock.38
- Route of Edwin Brush.39
- Miscellaneous Magical Mention. By Clinton Burgess.39
- New Orleans Magicians' Club. By Geo. E. Pearce.40
- San Francisco Notes. By H. Syril Dusenbery.40
- Nashville Society Magique. By T. J. Crawford.41
- News From Pittsfield. By U. F. Grant.41
- Magicgrams. By Dorny.41
- The Society of Osiris.41
- Rubber City Magic Club Meeting No. 1. By W. T. Easton.42
- Notes From Newark. By James McKnight.42
- Wizard's Wanderings from Wheeling, W. Va. By Paul R. Semple.42
- Washington, D. C. Notes. By Harold P. White.42
- Spot Lights From Hartford, Conn. By Clarence T. Hubbard.43
- Haverhill Society of Wand Wielders. By Charles C. Eastman.43
- The International Brotherhood of Magicians. By Gene Gordon.43
- Reported by Elmer Johnson.43
- Robert Houdin Club Notes. By Dr. E. G. Ervin.43
- Dr. Wilson and the St. Louis S.A.M. By Ben R. Bradley.44
- Letter. By Houdini.44
- Letter. By Julian Zancig.44
Confessions. By I. X. L.44
Thurston Writes to His Friend Dr. R. Evans.45
Letter. By Howard Thurston.45
Everywhere and Nowhere. By Hofzinser.46
The Parable of the Spoofed Magi. By Ervin.49
Adventures in Magic. By Henry Evans.49
Rare Bits of Magic. By Frederick DeMuth: Live News.50
An Effective Change. By Len J. Sewell.51
Decanter and Appearing Handkerchief. By Magnus.51
Curious Psycho-Physical Experiments. By Newmann the Hypnotist.52
Appearing Cabinet. By Arthur W. Fey.53
Otherwise. By Clayton W. Rosencrance.53
Permanent Hand Shadows. By Baffles Brush.53
"Easy" Sun and Moon Handkerchief Effect. By Dr. G. E. Parshall.54
The Aerial Egg.54
The Chinese Coin Mystery. By Dr. G. E. Parshall.54
Patter for a Handkerchief Act.54
Clever Match Box Trick.55
Paradox Pack. By Clayton W. Rosencrance.55
Patter for "Topsy-Turvey Match". By Grady S. Nicholson.55

NO. 3: MAY 1923
Ben R. Badley.67
Ain't It The Truth? By Kolar.67
The World of Magic.68
- The Society of American Magicians (Parent Assembly). By Richard Van Dien.68
- "A Carnival of Magic" Given by the Society of American Magicians. By Clinton Burgess.68
- Golden Gate Assembly. By H. Syril Dusenbery.70
- Chicago Assembly No. 3. By Kolar.70
- St. Louis Assembly No. 8. By Ben R. Badley.71
- Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11. By Leslie P. Guest.71
- The Second "Legerdemaniac Night" of the National Conjurers' Association. By Clinton Burgess.71
- Demons Club of Baltimore. By Robert W. Test.73
- The Knights of Magic. By J. Feigenbaum.73
- The Society of Osiris.73
- Trooping Around in Magic. By Max Holden.74
- Magigrams. By Dorny.74
- British Magical Society - Magical Seance. By J. C. Frisby.75
- British Magical Society. By J. C. Frisby.75
- Australian Society of Magicians - Melbourne Branch. By Will Bishop.76
- A Fool There Was. By John Dean.76
- Our Long Suit. By Timothy Barry.76
- News of the Los Angeles Society of Magicians. By G. E. Baxter.76
The Multiplying Billiard Balls. By Willard S. Smith.77
Ball and Card Effect. By Robert Hale.77
"Elites Find Delight in Rosencrance Sleights". 4-Ace Mechanical Card. By Clayton W. Rosencrance.77
Magical Programs. By Baffles Brush.78
Programs of Magicians. By C. H. Tickell.78
Magical Programs. By Dr. E. G. Ervin.78
The Mystic Card. By H. J. Burlingame.79
The Mental Touch Card Trick. By Carl H. Guder (Gu Dere).79
The Color Changing Handkerchief. By W. Warren Filkin Jr.79
A Novel Use for the Burning Globe. By D. F. Allison.79
Comedy Writeups by a Rube. By Augustus Rapp.79
Robert Houdin Club Notes. By Dr. E. G. Ervin.80
Route List Laurant, Redpath Chautauquas.80
Route of McDonald Birch.80
New York City News. By J. S. Fuigle.80
The National Conjurers' Association 320th Meeting. By Clinton Burgess.81
Washington, D. C. Notes. By Harold P. White.81
Mississippi Mysticisms. By Alphrose.81
Indianagraphs. By E. E. Wood Nichols.81
Watague Wizards' Association Notes. By "Claudio".81
Haverhill Society of Wand Wielders. By Charles C. Eastman.82
Rubber City Magic Club, Akron, Ohio. By W. T. Easton.82
Notes from Newark. By Jimmie McKnight.82
San Francisco Notes. By H. Syril Dusenbery.82
News From Springfield, Mass. By Paul A. Noffke.82
What Has Become of- By Baffles Brush.82
Adventures in Magic. By Henry R. Evans: Some Books on Conjuring.83
Everywhere and Nowhere. By Hofzinser.84
Synonymous Thoughts.84
Letter. By Howard Thurston.85
The Mystic Lemon and Handkerchief. By Carl H. Guder (Gu Dere).85
Thimble Passes. By Baffles Brush.85
How is this for an American Book?87
A Variation of the Afghan Bands. By E. G. Ervin.87
Magnus, The Table Lifter. By Magnus.87
Original Wrinkle. By Baffles Brush.87
Candy Box Magic. By Baffles Brush.87
Stringing the "Wise Guy". By Charles S. Scribner.88
Claudio's Opening Effect.88
Specialization in Magic. By Baffles Brush.88

NO. 4: JUNE 1923
Frank Ducrot.99
The World of Magic.100
- The Society of American Magicians Parent Assembly. By Richard Van Dien.100
- Nineteenth Annual Banquet-Entertainment of the Society of American Magicians. By Clinton Burgess.102
- Second "Wilson Night" At the Headquarters of the National Conjurers' Association. By Clinton Burgess105
- Wilson Night -The Knights of Magic. By Otto Waldmann.107
- "Wilson Night" at the Demons Club. By Robert W. Test.108
- The Society of Osiris. By Shilling.109
- Dr. Wilson Arrives in Pittsburgh. By Baffles Brush.109
- Wilson Night at the R. I. Society of Magicians Local No. 2, National Conjurers' Association. By C. Foster Fenner.110
- Queen City Mystics, Assembly No. 11. By Leslie P. Guest.110
- Indianagraphs.111
- Notes from Philadelphia. By O. M. Thomson.111
- "You'se Guys," or "Something to Think About". By George Schulte.111
- News Notes. By Mr. B. A. Daniel.111
Adventures in Magic. By Henry R. Evans.112
Silken Light. By William Larsen, Jr.112
"Elites Finds Delights in Rosencrance Sleights". Uncanny Undercut. By Clayton W. Rosencrance.113
Torn Card. By W. K. Myers.113
Chats. By Kolar.114
Solid Through Solid Tips. By David F. Allison.114
Impromptu Card Frame. By John J. Gillis.114
Magical Programs. By Baffles Brush.114
Vanishing Penny. By Lloyd Jones.115
323rd Meeting of the National Conjurers' Association. By Louis Goodman.115
321st Meeting the National Conjurers' Association. By Clinton Burgess.116
Eleventh Annual Banquet of the R.I. Society of Magicians, Local No. 2, National Conjurers' Association. By C. Foster Fenner.116
Jay Ess Eff's New York Notes.117
The Knights of Magic. By J. Feigenbaum.117
Route of Laurant.117
Doctor Wilson's Diary (New York Visit).119
The Insoluble Impromptu. A problem by Hofzinser.120
Dime and Penny and Card. By Alphrose.120
Hindoo Clock. By "Claudio".121
Mental Photo of George Schulte.121
The Vanishing Wand.121
The Spirit Ring on Wand. By Magnus.122
An Impromptu Mystery. By William Larsen, Jr.122
An Impromptu Tambourine Trick. By T. Page Wright.122

NO. 5: JULY 1923
H. S. Paine and the Spirits.131
The Silk Egg - Improvement. By William Larsen, Jr.131
A Card Act. By "Claudio".131
The World of Magic.132
- The Society of American Magicians (Parent Assembly). By Richard Van Dien.132
- Golden Gate Assembly No. 2. By H. Syril Dusenbery.132
- Chicago Assembly No. 3. By Homar H. Woulffe.133
- ST. Louis Assembly No. 8. By Ben R. Badley.133
- News of the Los Angeles Society of Magicians. By G. E. Baxter.134
- Annual Picnic of the Los Angeles Society of Magicians. By G. E. Baxter.134
- News from Springfield, Mass. By Paul A. Noffke.134
- The Portland Magical Society. By Ervin J. Ludeman..135
- Wizards' Wanderings from Wheeling, W. Va. By Paul R. Semple.135
- Notes from Newark. By James McKnight.135
- Spot Lights from Hartford, Conn. By Clarence T. Hubbard.135
- World of Magic Notes.136
- Washington, D. C. Notes. By Harold P. White.136
- Route Sheet of Ramona The Magician.136
- Magical Items. By Dr. E. G. Ervin.136
- Scratches. By Edward Reguera.136
- Magical News from Winnipeg, Canada. By Len Vitus.137
- The Association of Ceylon Magicians. By R. J. Arnold.137
- Professor Sydney Dan and Mystic Dolore. By R. J. Arnolda.137
- British Magical Society. By J. C. Frisby.137
- The Order of the Genii, Toronto, Canada. By S. R. Johnson.137
- The Order of the Genii. By Sid Johnson.138
- An Evening with Durbin. By Jess J. Lybarger.138
- Letter. By George Paxton.139
Punch and Judy Show. By Eli Hackman.139
The Monologist. By Baffles Brush.140
Comedy Write-Ups By A Rube. By Augustus Rapp.140
Do You Believe in Signs? By Baffles Brush.141
Chats. By Kolar.141
Prestidigital Possibilities. By Frederick G. Brau.142
Card Frame and Photos. By Hewitt Magnus.142
Spectacular Close for Handkerchief Magic. By Baffles Brush.142
Adventures in Magic. By Henry R. Evans.143
A Trio of Novel Ideas. By William Larsen, Jr.143
Letter. By Howard Thurston.144
Yes! We Have no Pills to Enlarge the Mind. By R. C. Stoph.144
Lost, Strayed or Stolen - A King. By Hofzinser.144
Ace of Hearts. By Hofzinser.145
Peter Rabbit. By William Larsen, Jr.145
Milady's Footwear. By William Larsen, Jr.146
"Elitse Finds Delights in Rosencrance Sleights". Aviating Change. By Clayton W. Rosencrance.147
Comedy Write-UPs by a Rube. By Augustus Rapp.147
The Digestable Handkerchief. By Lloyd Jones.147
You Never Can Tell. By William Larsen, Jr.148
"Elites Finds Delights in Rosencrance Sleights". Extended Forefinger Invisible Coin Education. By Clayton W. Rosencrance.148
Lockman's Mystery Production Extraordinary.149
Finger Prints. By William Larsen, Jr.149
Rolling Bones. By William Larsen, Jr.150

NO. 6: AUGUST 1923
Blair L. Gilbert.159
Satan's Handkerchief. By Ben R. Badley.159
The World of Magic.160
- Chicago Assembly No. 3. By Homar H. Woulffe.160
- St. Louis Assembly No. 8. By Ben R. Badley.160
- Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11. By Leslie P. Guest.160
- The Order of the Genii (Toronto). By Sid Johnson.161
- Gus Fowler's Route - Do not Miss His Act.161
- Trooping Around in Magic. By Max Holden.161
- The Knights of Magic. By Otto Waldmann.161
- Doings of the Demons of Baltimore. By Robert W. Test.162
- The Society of Osiris. By Louis E. Shilling.162
- The Le Mont Show. By Baffles.162
- Magic and Magicians. By Great Zelo.163
- Herbert Gonsal. By R. J. Arnolda.163
- Edward Wiraratna. By Dienzie J. Arnolda.163
- Chats. By Kolar.164
- Thirteenth Annual Convention of the National Conjurers' Association. By Clinton Burgess.164
- Magical Soiree in Conjunction with the N. C. A.'s Thirteenth Annual Convention. By Clinton Burgess.165
Ovette's Ace Trick. By M. Ovette.167
Adventures in Magic. By Henry R. Evans: Is Conjuring Decadent?168
The Flying Thought. Concluding Hofzinser's Problems.169
The Mystic Lasso and Phantom Knots. By H. J. Burlingame.171
Out of a Fix.171
Magical Programs. By Baffles Brush.174
Leacock on Tempting Magic: Story of a Conjurer's Revenge. By Stephen Leacock.174
Elites Finds Delights in Rosencrance Sleights. Inconceivable Vanish. By Clayton W. Rosencrance.175
Elites Finds Delights in Rosencrance Sleights. Card Shell. By Clayton W. Rosencrance.175
Editorial in Cincinnati, Enquirer, July 19, 1923. Spare Our Mysteries.175
Talks - Laughs. By George Schulte.176
Elites Finds Delights in Rosencrance Sleights. Edidying Rising Cards From Horizontal Pack. By Clayton W. Rosencrance.177
Gold vs. Silver, or the Usefulness of Personal Argument. By A. G. Waring.177
A Cigarette Conglomeration. By "Mystic Clayt", the Merry Conjurer.177
Le Bey's Rope Tie.178
D'Alvini's Program Number 9. Flying Stars.178

Charles J. Maly - Maly "The Tricky Trickster". By Doc Brumfield.191
When Trying to Book Your Act or Entertainment. Author Unknown.191
The World of Magic.192
- Golden Gate Assembly. By H. Syril Dusenbery.192
- St. Louis Assembly No. 8. By Ben R. Badley.192
- Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11. By Leslie P. Guest.192
- Metropolitan and Other Necromancing Notes. By Jay Ess Eff.193
- Magic Society Named in Honor of Thurston. By Mr. Louis Lewis.193
- Knights of Magic. By Otto Waldmann.194
- Indiangraphs.194
- Spotlights From Hartford, Conn. By Clarence T. Hubbard.194
- The Society of Osiris. By Louis E. Shilling.194
- News from Springfield, Mass. By Paul N. Noffke.194
- Magic and Magicians. By Great Zelo. Howard Thurston Presents "Dante".195
- San Francisco Notes. By H. Syril Dusenbery.195
- Cincinnati Magicians' Club.196
- Notes from Newark. By James McKnight.196
The Magic of Portraiture. Author Unknown.196
New Illusion Presented at Greeley Square Theatre, New York City. The Human Clockwork. Jay Ess Eff.197
The Order of the Genii. By Lovaine.197
Magical Programs. By Baffles Brush.198
Programs for Magicians. By De Vega.198
Chats. By Kolar.199
Wilson's Wonders - Programme.199
Mental Photo of Mystic Eugene Parshall.199
Honor to Whom Honor Is Due.199
Laurant as Seen by B. L. Gilbert.199
Thimblegone. By Frederick G. Braue.199
Adventures in Magic. By Henry R. Evans. The Gentle Art of the Juggler.200
Letter. By Charles A. Leedy.200
The Okito Vanishing Glass of Water Without Assistant or Prepared Table. By Dr. E. G. Ervin.201
Say! May Your Magic Every Day Pay - By Rosencrance Gay Envelope Way. Adhesive Halves.201
Pop Spots. By William Larsen, Jr.204
The Obedient Ball. By Magnus.204
Handkerchief Novelties. By Baffles Brush.204
Punch & Judy Show. By Eli Hackman.205
My Favorite Stories. By Irvin S. Cobb.206
Do You Know Mr. Keller?206
A Match Marvel. By T. Page Wright.206
Elites Finds Delights in Rosencrance Delights. Rosencrance Astral Card.206

NO. 8: OCTOBER 1923
William Larsen, Jr.219
The Invisible Card Effect. Peter Roennau.219
A Perfect Alibi.219
The World of Magic.220
- The Society of American Magicians Parent Assembly. By Richard Van Dien.220
- Society of American Magicians, Golden Gate Assembly No. 2. By Albert A. Rhine.220
- Chicago Assembly No. 3. By Homar H. Woulffe.221
- St. Louis Assembly No. 8. By Ben R. Badley.221
- Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11. By Leslie P. Guest.221
- Nashville Society Magique. By T. J. Crawford.221
- The National Conjurers' Association 327th Meeting. By Charles K. Hill.222
- The National Conjurers' Association 328th Meeting. By Charles K. Hill.222
- National Conjurers' Association Honors Dean Powell.222
- Washington, D. C. Notes. By Harold P. White.223
- Spot Lights from Hartford, Conn. By Clarence T. Hubbard.223
- Haverhill Society of Wand Wielders Hold Ladies' Night on Annyversary. By Charles Eastman.224
- Notes from Newark. By James McKnight.224
- News from New Orleans. By Geo. E. Pearce.224
- Wizards' Wanderings from Wheeling. By Paul R. Semple.224
- Trooping Around in Magic. By Max Holden.224
- The Society of Osiris. By Louis E. Shilling.225
- Magigrams. By Dorny.225
- Route of Edwin Brush.226
- Report of Glasgow Society of Magicians. By Will Dale.226
- Leeds Magical Society (England). By Jay Galway.226
- The Order of the Genii (Toronto, Canada). By Lorraine (S. Johnson).227
- A Great Provider.227
- Notes from an Australian Abroad. By H. Llewellyn.227
Richard Boehlke.228
A Few Loud Remarks from a Quiet Fellow. By William Meyenberg.229
Newly Discovered Stories by O. Henry. His Only Opportunity.229
Adventures in Magic. By Henry R. Evans: Katterfelto; or the Conjurer with the Black Cat.229
Magic Vs. Spirits, or Scientific Fun. Author Unkown.230
The Force. By Reed Rockwood.231
The Egg, Lemon and Confetti Sucker Combination Trick.234
Simplicity Stabbing Location. By Alphrose.235
Old Fashioned Magic. By William Larsen, Jr.236
Mysterious Parchment Shades. By William Larsen, Jr.236
Davey Jones's Locker. By William Larsen, Jr.237
Chats. By Kolar.237
A Magical Opening. By Will Blyth.238
Elites Finds Delights in Rosencrance Sleights. Rosencrance Restored Paper.238
Originality Itself Applies to Rosencrance Technicality. Rosencrance Regal Ring Rebus.239
Marvelous Memory or Every Deck a Stacked Deck. By Mr. "E."239
Notes from Philadelphia. By Oscar M. Thomson.239
Originality Itself Applies to Rosencrance Technicality. On Third Turn Over in a Trifid Pack. By Clayton W. Rosencrance.240
"Hanky Panky," A Production Act By Herman L. Weber.240
Photo: J. C. Cooper, Joseph C. Lightner, Dr. F. B. Rogers, Edwin Brush, Donald Holmes, Dr. A. M. Wilson, R. M. Stevens, Dr. E. G. Erwin.242

NO. 9: NOVEMBER 1923
Number, Please. By Frederick G. Braue.255
The Merry Matchbox. By Frederick G. Braue.255
The World of Magic.256
- The Society of American Magicians Parent Assembly. By Richard Van Dien.256
- Golden Gate Assembly No. 2.256
- Chicago Assembly No. 3. By Homer H. Woulffe.257
- St. Louis Assembly No. 8. By Ben R. Badley.257
- Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11. By Leslie P. Guest.257
- Rubber City Magic Club. By John W. Fry.258
- Cincinnati Magicians' Club.258
- The Society of Osiris. By Louis E. Shilling.258
- Indianagraphs. By Dr. Brumfield.258
- Demons Club of Baltimore Magicians. By Robt. W. Test.259
- Wizard's Wanderings from Wheeling, W. Va. By Paul R. Semple.259
- News of the Los Angeles Society of Magicians. By G. E. Baxter.259
- The Knights of Magic. By J. Feigenbaum.260
- Nate Leipzig at Magicians Dinner Dazzles with Clever Card Feats. By A. H. Shirk.260
- The Order of the Genii, Toronto, Canada. By Sid Johnson.260
- Please Note. By H. R. Evans.261
Newly Discovered Stories by O. Henry. A Startling Demonstration.261
Chats. By Kolar.261
Adventures in Magic. By Henry R. Evans.262
Billiard Ball Hints. By Willis K. Myers.263
Jumping Jacks. By C. A. Leedy.263
Magical Programs - No. 6 of a Series. By Baffles Brush: Selrah Levitation - The Law of Gravitation Defied.263
Not Difficult When You Know How.263
Magical Programs - No. 7 of a Series. By Baffles Brush.264
A Use for that Old Red Egg Bag. By Grady S. Nicholson.264
The Urge. By Frederick G. Braue.264
An Addition. By Frederick G. Braue.264
Queen City Mysticisms. A Color Prediction. By Stewart Judah.265
Card Frame and Mene-Tekel Card Experiment. By Grady S. Nicholson.265
The Parasol and Handkerchiefs. By Magnus.265
The Fan, Flags and Flowers. By J. F. Orrin.266
Patter for Two Handed Thimble Production. By Clarence T. Hubbard.267
Advice. By Hewitt Magnus.267
Originality Itself Applies to Rosencrance Technicality. Poising Coin. By Clayton R. Rosencrance.267
An Ace Interlude. By T. Page Wright.267
The Re-Newed Decanter and Silk. By Edward M. Massey.268
The Haunted House. By William Larsen, Jr.268
With A Typewriter. By William Larsen, Jr.269
Originality Itself Applies to Rosencrance Technicality. Summons (Some Money). By Clayton W. Rosencrance.269
A Ball Trick. By Baffles Brush.269
Troubles of the Entertainer.270
Originality Itself Applies to Rosencrance Technicality. The Card That Didn't Turn. By Clayton W. Rosencrance.272

NO. 10: DECEMBER 1923
Gus Fowler.287
Magnus Wonder Dies. By Magnus.287
Magnus Comedy Trick. By Magnus.287
The World of Magic.288
- The Society of American Magicians Parent Assembly. By Richard Van Dien.288
- Chicago Assembly No. 3. By Homar H. Woulffe.288
- St. Louis Assembly No. 8.289
- Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11. By Leslie P. Guest.289
- Haverhill Society of Wand Wielders. By Charles Eastman.290
- Route of Thurston.290
- Spotlights from Hartford, Conn. By Clarence T. Hubbard.290
- Magical Mooney Mutters.290
- The Society of Osiris. By Louis E. Shilling.291
- Trooping Around in Magic. By Max Holden.292
- News Items. By Royal L. Vilas.292
- Notes for the Sphinx. By Billy Russell.292
- Rubber City Magic Club. By W. T. Easton.293
A Billiard Ball Visibly Changed into a Handkerchief. By John A. Sznek.293
The Tubes of Tynmyth. By Will De Seive.293
The British Magical Society. By J. C. Frisby.294
The Order of the Genii, Toronto, Canada. By Lorraine (Sid R. Johnson).294
The New Zealand Society of Magicians. By Edward Axford.294
Magical Programs - No. 8 of a Series. By Baffles Brush.295
Suggestions for new Tricks. By Baffles Brush.295
Chats. By Kolar.296
A Paradox a Day - Keeps Staleness Away. By Clarence T. Hubbard.296
Melting Coin Over Flame. By Chas. A. Leedy.297
A Message from Departed Spirits - Hic - Hich - Finkelle -297
On Slates. By V. D. Barbour.297
A New Way to Play Dime and Penny Trick. By George Paxton.297
Adventures in Magic. By Henry R. Evans: Christmas Thoughts on Magic.298
Easy Card Stabbing Trick.298
Magical Maxims. By Eugene Parshall.299
A Card Act. By George Paxton.299
Patter for Obedient Ball. By Eugene Parshall.299
Patterisms. By Grady S. Nicholson: Cut and Restored Ribbon.299
Queen City Mysticisms. For Billiard Ballists. By Leslie P. Guest.301
The Watch and the Lemon. By Edward M. Massey.302
The Traveling Ring Mid-Air. By John A. Sznek.303
A Skeleton Coin Stand. By Eugene L. Bulson.303
Pong Chong. By Frederick DeMuth.304
Russell's Crystal Gazing Act. By Russell.304
The Cups and Balls. By William Larsen, Jr.305
Magic Fans Say Rosencrance is the Original Envelope Card Man. Rosencrance Mthod of Card Exchange.306
The Color Changing Handkerchief Through A Cone. By John A. Sznek.306
Originality Itself Applies to Rosencrance Technicality. Ball Producing Handkerchief.306

NO. 11: JANUARY 1924
Frank Van Hoven.319
Destroyed Restored. Clayton W. Rosencrance.319
The Little Snag.319
The World of Magic.320
- The Society of American Magicians Parent Assembly. By Richar Van Dien.320
- American Magicians. Albert A. Rhine.320
- The Los Angeles Society of Magicians Gala Night at the Elks' Club. By T. W. McGrath.321
- Notes from Newark. By James McKnight.321
- Wizard's Wanderings from Wheeling, W. Va. By Paul R. Semple321
- Spokane Mystic Club. By E. V. Klein.321
- The Society of Osiris. By Louis E. Shilling.322
- Route of McDonald Birch.322
- The Magician.322
- Baltimore to Kelthurma or Thurston Night with the Demons Club.323
- Regular Communications.323
- The Order of the Genii. Sid R. Johnson.324
- British Magical Society. By J. C. Frisby.325
- The Glasgow Society of Magicians. By Will Dale.325
- Odds and Ends of Magic. By Adam Hull Shirk.326
Chats. By Kolar.328
Incomprihensible Coin Vanish. By Clayton W. Rosencrance.328
Adventures in Magic. By Henry R. Evans.328
Reducer of Royalty. By Clayton W. Rosencrance.329
A Magician's Comedy Coin Trick. By Hewitt Magnus.329
The Four Ace Trick. By Max J. Helmes.329
More Suggestions for New Tricks. By Baffles Brush.330
A Neat and Mystifying Prodcution. By Baffles Brush.330
A New Method of Forcing.330
The Alcohol Twins.330
"The Pirates' Chest" Patter for Sligind Die Box. By Eugene Parshall.331
Amateur's "Easy" Card Transposition.331
"Novel" Wine and Water Effect. By Eugene Parshall.331
The Dime and Penny Trick. By Sinbad.331
Rosencrance Visible Vanish. By Clayton W. Rosencrance.331
That Kind of Pocket.333
A Combination. By Hammel.333
Queen City Mysticism. Mathematical Magic. By Guy Stanley (McKeown).333
"It Takes A Medium Nowadays," Says Higgins. "To Get Suckers Well Done".335
Elephantine (Colossal) Card. By Clayton W. Rosencrance.335
Magigrams. By Dorny.336
Jay EssEff Notes.337
Feminine Strategy.337
Flatwise. By Clayton W. Rosencrance.338
Fortunate (4-2-8) Card. By Clayton W. Rosencrance.338
The Rosencrance Change. By Clayton W. Rosencrance.338
Card in Handkerchief. Clayton W. Rosencrance.338

NO. 12: FEBRUARY 1924
Edward M. Massey.351
The Magician is not Necessarily a Faker. By Dr. Frank Crane.351
The World of Magic.352
- The Society of American Magicians Parent Assembly. By Richard Van Dien.352
- Golden Gate Assembly No. 2. By H. Syril Dusenbery.352
- The Golden Gate Assembly Banquet. By H. Syril Dusenbery.353
- Society of American Magicians, Golden Gate Assembly No. 2. By Albert A. Rhine.353
- American Magicians, San Francisco. By Albert A. Rhine.353
- Chicago Assembly No. 3. By Homar H. Woulffe.353
- St. Louis Assembly No. 8. By R. L. Schopper.354
- Boston Assembly No. 9. By J. Victor Miller.354
- Queen City Mystics Assembly No. 11. By Leslie P. Guest.355
- Cincinnati Magicians Club.355
- The Los Angeles Society of Magicians. T. W. McGrath.355
- Demons Club Activities. By Robert W. Test.356
- Meeting of Spokane Mystic Club.356
- The Society of Osiris. By Louis E. Shilling.356
- Letter. By Paul Cottlow.357
- Boston Magical Association. By D. J. Silvey.357
- "Magical Murmurs" from Charleston, W. Va. By Al Snyder.357
- World Wide Magic News. By Eugene Parshall.358
- Spot Lights from Hartford, Conn. By Clarence T. Hubbard.358
- Nashville Society Magique. By T. J. Crawford.358
- Trooping Around in Magic. By Max Holden.359
- Black Art Tried As Cabaret Attraction.359
To The Magician. By Burnett Steele Ivey.359
Chats. By Kolar.360
Novel Card Experiment.360
Adventures in Magic. By Henry R. Evans: An Adept with the Pasteboards.360
Novel Coin Sleight. By Otto Waldmann.361
An Easy Way to Switch a Coin. By Otto Waldmann.361
Combination of Magical Effects. By Will Blyth.362
Indian Cookery. By William Larsen, Jr.363
Artistic Deception is Rosencrance Classic Conception. Rosencrance Elongated Square. By Clayton W. Rosencrance.363
Improvement on Hank to Egg. By Mark Fox.365
The Universal Car. By Edward M. Massey.366
Magic Fans Says Rosencrance is the Original Envelope Card Man. Card Through Hat. By Clayton W. Rosencrance.366
Pong Chong. By Frederick DeMuth: The Magic Cabinet of Pong Chong.367
Just Magic. By Baffles Brush: Sliding Well; Another Well.368
Queen City Mysticisms. A New Cocktail Shaker. By Urban Brichler.368
Billy Van Dunsten - Gambler. By William Larsen, Jr.369
New Wrinkles in the Billiard Balls.370
Firecracker Magic. By Eugene Parshall.370
The Pekin Puzzle. By Eugene Parshall.370
A Match Divination. By Max Helmes.370

word count: 431005 which is equivalent to 1724 standard pages of text