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Three Mind Monte
by David Devlin


(2 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Three Mind Monte by David Devlin

This offering from David Devlin is an incredible mentalism act for the stage that begins with a really cool chair test and a two-phase Three Card Monte using jumbo cards in which the spectators "throw" the cards. Even though the spectators are throwing the Monte while the mentalist's back is turned completely away from the on-stage spectators and can be legitimately blindfolded, he is always able to find the queen!

This may be one of the few acts that feature a chair test that actually serves a purpose beyond fulfilling a prediction. It gets the spectators on stage and gets the Monte cards in their hands. The great thing about this chair test is that not only do you predict (correctly every time) which chair each spectator sits in, but also which Monte card they will select. They truly have a free choice as to which chair they sit in.

The Three Card Monte portion of the routine is different than most Monte effects in that the spectators are amazed that you are able to find the money card no matter what they do, and are not made to feel "stupid" because they cannot find the money card.

This act can be performed as serious or as comedy, whichever you choose. It can be performed on a large stage or in someone's living room. The props are minimal (basically just chairs, cards, and an optional blindfold), the setup time is (maybe) five minutes if you go slow, and is incredible inexpensive to put together.

  • No marked or gaffed cards
  • The performer never even once glances behind him
  • 99% Self-Working
  • No stooges (not even the instant kind)
  • No memorization necessary

1st edition 2015, 19 pages.
word count: 4381 which is equivalent to 17 standard pages of text