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Zee J. Yan

Mentalist but secretly magician.

Nobody knows that Zee J. Yan is a magician except those who know.

He only has put out one book yet, but all of his material in the book, Greetings, are easy-to-do routines. No difficult sleights are required yet it allows you to perform simple and direct intimate mentalism with your EDCs. (FYI, EDC stands for Everyday Carry. Things you carry with you everyday.)

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Zee J. Yan
Rainbow Unicorn by Zee J. Yan

Three impromptu close-up mentalism routines with strong impact and one extremely mind-baffling and tightly structured 10 minute stage mentalism routine.

Using a smartphone as a billet.

Tips and ideas on swami gimmick so you can carry it with you without special storing devices.

Making an extremely deceptive peek device with only 35 cent or less (literally 35 cent or less)

Turning an everyday wallet into a peek wallet without damaging it.

[Note: If you already own Greetings by Zee J. Yan, then you won't need this ebook.]

1st edition 2016, 66 pages.