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70 Top Effects From 70 Years of Magician's Magazines
by Brick Tilley


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70 Top Effects From 70 Years of Magician's Magazines by Brick Tilley

Brick Tilley has been a student of magic for decades. In particular he read magic magazines and kept notes about the best and most interesting effects, tips, tricks and articles. In this unusual ebook, he shares the 70 best and most interesting items to read, taken from eight magazines, spanning the last 70 years.

However, note that you are only getting the reference where you will find the article and a short description of what it is and why it should be of interest to you. You don't get the actual articles. You need to have the magazines to read the articles. Several of them are available in digital form from Here are two examples:

BINGO SUM, by John Hamilton, MUM, May 1967, pg.39
Mental effect that is astounding but requires very little in the way of construction. Easy to work, can be done for any size audience at any point in the show, close-up or platform. Very sparse in the way of props for such a fine effect.

SILK PRODUCTION FROM THE HANDS by Glenn Gravatt, GENII, June 1958, pg. 357
Silk productions from the bare hands. Clever props make this an exciting routine. The hands are unmistakably shown empty. You may add your own finish to this silken sequence.

You probably have most of these magazines sitting at home collecting dust and you wonder how you could ever find the nuggets hidden in them. Here is your opportunity to find some of the biggest nuggets Brick Tilley located and kept to himself for all those years.

The magazines which are referenced are:

1st edition 2017, 11 pages.
word count: 3085 which is equivalent to 12 standard pages of text