Some of the most popular chips come in 8-pin, arranged as 2 rows of 4 pins, DIP packaging. Think about the famous 555 timer chip or dual-operational amplifiers such as the LM358. You can also find comparators (LM393) and audio amplifiers (LM386). You can put two optocouplers (PC817) into the socket. Some microcontrollers such as the ATtiny85, PIC12F1840, or PICAXE-08M2 also fit. There are H-bridges to control motors (L9110), tone decoders (LM567) that can also be used to demodulate AM and FM signals, and a lot more.
You are not limited to only inserting integrated circuits. Other component leads can be inserted, too.
It is a very handy socket, and if you have larger chips we do offer similar sockets for larger pin counts. This is the common narrow size where the two rows of pins are spaced 7.62 mm (0.3") apart.
Sockets for other pin counts: