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From the introduction:
"Accusation" is a court-room drama, not exactly legal, of course, but realistic enough to cause the accused to lie and the witnesses to commit perjury! If the trick does not have impact, it will be your own doing.
The Effect: From a list of criminals a spectator mentally selects a name and, from then on, 'becomes' this person. He also selects the crimes he will be accused of in the course of the examination. He also selects one, two or three witnesses who are put in the 'witness-box'. Despite the lack of clues, the performer reveals the criminal's name and his crimes.
- Introduction
- The Effect
- Requirements
- How It Works
- The Questions
- The Crime Cards
- Accusation
- A Case In Brief
- Accusation Part 2 (Ken de Courcy)
1st edition 1980, 8 pages; PDF 12 pages.
word count: 2775 which is equivalent to 11 standard pages of text