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Addicted to Power and Mystical Sandwitch
by Jozsef Kovacs

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Addicted to Power and Mystical Sandwitch by Jozsef Kovacs

Addicted To Power
The spectator chooses a random number of cards and a random selection from the deck. The random cards have letters on their faces. If you read the letters they give you the name of the selection! After this the magician shows that all the other cards in the deck are blank!

Mystical Sandwich
Two spectators choose two cards by cutting the shuffled deck. They sign their cards and bury them into the deck. The magician spreads the deck and shows that the mystical card of the deck has turned face up in the middle of the deck. By spelling the name of the mystical card, the magician creates a mystical sandwich. After this, it comes to light that the ingredients of the sandwich are the three mates of the mystical card and the two signed selections! The magician turns the mystical card face down and it has a prediction on its back: the names of the two freely selected cards!

1st edition 2013, 3 pages.
word count: 1182 which is equivalent to 4 standard pages of text

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