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Adolphe Blind

Adolphe Blind

(Geneva, Switzerland: 10th October 1862 - 23rd August 1925)

Aka "Le Professeur Magicus". Inspired at age 9 by a magic show. In 1878 at age 16 established a magic shop ("Bosco, Blind et Cie") in Geneva. His hand-written Le Cagliostro, published in Geneva 1878-79, was world's 2nd magic magazine and the 1st in French. A founding member of ASAP in 1903 and early member of the CSP. At age 62 while giving a charity show in Geneva died of a heart attack.

Wrote The Bibliography of Conjuring and Kindred Deceptions (1920, 84pp, with Sidney W. Clarke), a pioneering but now outdated work; and Les automates truqués (1927). Major collector of books (2,134 vols), autographs (916), and other bits of magicana. His collection eventually passed to Jean Garance.

Coauthors: Sidney W. Clarke

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Sidney W. Clarke & Adolphe Blind
The Bibliography of Conjuring - and kindred deceptions by Sidney W. Clarke & Adolphe Blind

This bibliography collects about 2000 works that deal with tricks and illusions, and with the varied deceptions that are usually presented as part of a conjuring entertainment, including automata, chapeaugraphy, chemical and electrical tricks, escaping, fire handling, gamblers' tricks, hand-shadows, juggling, lightning sketches, optical illusions, pseudo-spiritualistic manifestations, second sight, thought reading, thought transference and ventriloquism. The list includes languages other than English in particular German and French books. Excluded are books on the so-called occult arts, but...