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The Bibliography of Conjuring - and kindred deceptions
by Sidney W. Clarke & Adolphe Blind

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The Bibliography of Conjuring - and kindred deceptions by Sidney W. Clarke & Adolphe Blind

This bibliography collects about 2000 works that deal with tricks and illusions, and with the varied deceptions that are usually presented as part of a conjuring entertainment, including automata, chapeaugraphy, chemical and electrical tricks, escaping, fire handling, gamblers' tricks, hand-shadows, juggling, lightning sketches, optical illusions, pseudo-spiritualistic manifestations, second sight, thought reading, thought transference and ventriloquism. The list includes languages other than English in particular German and French books. Excluded are books on the so-called occult arts, but the authors have included references to books on Natural Magic which contain effects on which conjurers have based some of their most cherished tricks.

The books are arranged alphabetically under authors' names; anonymous works under the first word of the title; those published under initials only, under the first initial letter.

1st edition 1920, 84 pages.
word count: 17956 which is equivalent to 71 standard pages of text

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