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Aether #11: Creativity and Originality
by Gregg Webb


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Aether #11: Creativity and Originality by Gregg Webb
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If you think you have no creativity in you, you should read this article. Gregg describes concrete examples of his own creative process and development and how you can start with baby steps to ease yourself into becoming more creative. Progressively you take bigger and bigger challenges to ultimately create your own tricks.

Gregg Webb encourages magicians to create some original magic tricks, even though there is plenty of good material out there, for several reasons. It is a good exercise for the part of the brain that thinks creatively, and that part gets stronger by use. Also, even though some early attempts may turn out to be a reinvention of the wheel, that is par for the course for everyone that tries to create, and you'll get better and better at knowing if something seems like it might be new and good. Sometimes it can take a long time to develop a new feat of magic, so don't wait and start trying now.

Gregg was involved with cataloging magical items and books, and also writing ad copy and illustrating ads and books for others, for almost 30 years before he realized he could invent and innovate his own ideas. Since 1998 Gregg has described his ideas for magic, and over about a quarter-century has gotten quicker at the process, and will describe the process for you.

1st edition 2022, PDF 7 pages.
word count: 2758 which is equivalent to 11 standard pages of text