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Ajay Jhunjhunwala

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Coauthors: Abhinav Bothra

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Abhinav Bothra & Ajay Jhunjhunwala
Mendacious by Abhinav Bothra & Ajay Jhunjhunwala

1 download 2 deceptive card moves 3 routines 4 the real world workers.

THE MOVES // by AJ: Topsy is a single card force utilizing no breaks whatsoever and Turvy is a single / multiple card control to the bottom. They both are easy and fun to learn. You'll be doing these in no time.

THE ROUTINES // by Abhinav:

SATELLITE SIGNAL: 3 spectators stop at three random cards (no forces) and send their thoughts to the performer (all at once) the performer receives the thoughts and finds the cards and figures out which card belongs to which of the 3 spectators.

Mr. MIRACLE: A selection gets...