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Al Baker's Manuscript
by Al Mann


(1 customer rating) ★★★★★

Al Baker's Manuscript by Al Mann

Ted Annemann's writing in Jinx No. 19 alludes to an obscure Al Baker manuscript that Annemann had seen when he was 17 years of age, at which time the manuscript was already old. The manuscript contained some of the first writings by a well experienced and well informed magician. It was called Al Baker’s Mental Effects. This was a remarkable collection of ideas and fabulous routines aimed especially at the mentalist/magician. Although it featured Al Baker’s Billet Reading Extraordinary, each effect in the book was a feature item.

  • Al Baker’s Billet Reading Extraordinary
  • The Billet Test
  • The Living And Dead Trick
  • Al Baker’s Two Person Slate Test
  • Pack That Cuts Itself
  • Mindreading Card Trick
Note that this manuscript comes unbound in a package of loose sheets, the way Al Mann stored them. You can bind them anyway you like, or leave them unbound, perhaps only hole punch them and put them in a binder.

20 pages

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism

Magic & Mentalism / Books (printed)