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Al Cohen

Al Cohen

(Wilmington, Delaware: 11th January 1926 - Boca Raton, Florida: 13th December 2020)

Alfred Lee Cohen learned in college from his roommate, an amateur. Became partner in father's novelty shop in Washington, DC, in 1947, adding a line of magic tricks in 1950. Pro magic dealer (Al's Magic Shop) in Washington, DC, since 1950, with a high rating for businesslike honesty. Invented Dots Impossible (by 1974) and Dots Incredible (by 1974). Edits Washington Wizards since 1976 as house organ. Considered one of the finest demonstrators. Performs comedy magic as "Pernell Zorch". Articles in Linking Ring. Father of Stan Cohen, his partner.

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Al Cohen
Magical Mish Mosh by Al Cohen

Excerpt from the introduction:

For a very long time people have gotten the idea that I'm a pretty fair magician ... this is my greatest trick of all!! I've been a magic dealer for over 35 years, a semi-retired performer, and a lover of the art for too many years to talk about. Very little I do is original and I don't really do it that well, BUT ... I do have a nice smile and a large mouth so people DO seem to enjoy my meager efforts...

  • A Magical Mish-Mosh (And Other Tricky Trivia)
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