Excerpt from the introduction:
For a very long time people have gotten the idea that I'm a pretty fair magician ... this is my greatest trick of all!! I've been a magic dealer for over 35 years, a semi-retired performer, and a lover of the art for too many years to talk about.
Very little I do is original and I don't really do it that well, BUT ... I do have a nice smile and a large mouth so people DO seem to enjoy my meager efforts...
- A Magical Mish-Mosh (And Other Tricky Trivia)
- The Magic Scroll
- Milk To Dove
- Dagger Dime
- My Six Card Repeat
- Two Coins And A Wineglass
- The Peripatetic Dollar
- Astral Ashes
- "Always On"
- Appearing Cane Thoughts
- Thank You Mr. Vernet
- Miscellaneous Mish Mosh
- Wrist Tie Routine
1st edition 1985, PDF 18 pages.
word count: 5282 which is equivalent to 21 standard pages of text