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(USA: 1913 - 3rd December 1957)

New York resident. Pro, beginning with silent illusion act in carnival side-shows and amusement parks. In late 1930s switched to intimate magic with patter, working mainly nightclubs. Played the New York Palace in 1951 and 1954. Invented Serpent Silk in 1941. Wrote Reel Magic (1941, 55pp; 2nd rev ed 1950, 82pp). Died in New York City of heart attack.

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★★★★★ $5
Reel Magic by Albenice

A reel is a tool which enables many surprising effects: Cards will rise, silks will come to life, small items will vanish, and more.

Albenice reveals his famous Serpent Silk, wherein a scarf, twisted rope fashion and tied in a knot visibly unties itself. More than 25 different effects are described, including penetrations, color changes, knot effects, and much more.

Also in the Addenda will be found the complete manuscript of "The Penetrable Silk" by Spalding, which was originally published in The Sphinx in the form of a series of articles. Spalding independently developed a whole series of penetration...