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Amateur Magician
by J. Dazley Theobald


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Amateur Magician by J. Dazley Theobald

From the preface:

The object of this work is to thoroughly explain to the Amateur Magician the various subterfuges which are made use of by Professional Conjurors to mystify their audiences, and to afford such instructions as shall enable any person to give a private performance. That there is plenty of room for a work on the subject of magical secrets and contrivances is evident by the few books that are in circulation, and even some of these are of but slight value, as they give graphic descriptions of what tricks are performed, while but scant and imperfect explanations of how they are executed.

In these pages every trick and apparatus will be found clearly defined and explicit instructions given, such as to ensure their successful performance, so that the only required requisites are a good memory, self-possession, and the necessary apparatus, and with these three any person may in a short time become capable of giving a very creditable entertainment in legerdemain to a circle of friends or young folks, which will prove most acceptable and agreeable.

  • Preface
  • Chapter I
  • Chapter II
    • The Broken Watch Restored, Or The Timekeeper, That Went Fast
    • The Chameleon Rose
    • The Wonderful Rods
    • The Mystic Dancers
  • Chapter III
    • The Mystic Family
    • The Mysterious Watch Box
  • Chapter IV
    • The Magic Corks
    • The Dissolving Pile Of Halfpence
    • The Magic Handkerchief Case
    • The Mysterious Handkerchief Or The Bewitched Candle
    • The Finger Through The Hat
    • The Disappearing Cigars
    • The Black Cup
  • Chapter V
    • The Gold Fish And Bowl Of Ink
    • The Glass Vase And Rose
    • Bottle Of Wine Produced From A Box Of Bran
    • The Seed Barrel
    • The Magic Card Box
  • Chapter VI
    • The Magi's Wand
    • The Vanishing Card
    • The Enchanted Coffer
    • The Magic Reticules
    • The Enchanted Flower Pedestal
    • The Magic Hammer, Or Mysterious Disappearance
    • The Great Egg Trick
    • The Dissolving Rack Of Cards
  • Chapter VII
    • The Glass Of Bran
    • The Magician's Omelet
    • The Inexhaustible Box
    • The Feast Of Lanterns
  • Chapter VIII

1st edition 1866, 31 pages; PDF 29 pages.
word count: 11344 which is equivalent to 45 standard pages of text

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