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An Unfathomable Premonition
by Unnamed Magician

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An Unfathomable Premonition by Unnamed Magician


A prediction deck is removed from its box by the magician. The magician spreads out the faces of the cards towards two spectators as he tells them "I've isolated one card in this deck as my prediction. I won't tell you what it is just yet. I am going to try to signal it to your subconscious for now. Look carefully." After this, he places this deck face down in front of the two spectators and tells them he will return to the prediction at the end. The magician also promises never to touch that deck again.

Now the first spectator is given another deck and the second spectator is also given a third deck. (These two decks are different from the aforementioned prediction deck.)

The first spectator is asked to briefly examine his deck, making sure that all the cards are different. The second spectator is invited to do the same. The spectators are then told that they will together create a card. And that the first spectator will choose the value (from his deck), while the second spectator will choose the suit (from his deck).

The first spectator is invited to deal the cards from his deck face down one by one and to stop where he wants. The card he stops at is used for the value. On the other hand, the second spectator is invited to cut off a portion of cards from his deck. The card he cuts to is used for the suit. At this stage, the value (of the first spectator's selected card) and the suit (of the second spectator's selected card) are combined to create a card.

The magician then proves - using the prediction deck that he set aside at the beginning - that he knew in advance that that would be the very card that the two spectators would (together) create. There is no doubt left in the spectators' minds that that was in fact the card the magician intended to predict all along. (As promised at the start, the magician doesn't touch the prediction deck during this reveal.)

Some important conditions of note:

The first spectator - the one that deals through his deck in order to select the value card - is not "psychologically forced" into stopping at some particular point via a psychological stop force or the like, but the performer needs to manage to make him stop in a region about half the size of the deck.

The second spectator - the one that cuts his deck in order to select the suit card - is not forced into cutting at some particular point via any crimped cards or long / short cards or the like. Here again, the performer simply has to make sure that the spectator cuts somewhere around the middle region of the deck.

The effect just uses three regular decks (two for the selection and one for the prediction). None of the decks contain any duplicates but they have segments that are prearranged.

For those who don't want to use three decks, there is a variation provided that uses two regular decks (one for the selection and one for the prediction). In this variation with two decks, the deck that is used for the selection, half of the deck is given to one spectator for the selection of the value and the other half of the deck is given to the second spectator for the selection of the suit. (The effect is the same: the first spectator deals through his cards stopping anywhere in order to select the value card, and the second spectator cuts his cards somewhere in order to select the suit card.) There is also a second variation provided that also uses two decks (one for the selection and one for the prediction) - however, in this variation, the selection deck isn't fully regular (it is gimmicked in some way).

1st edition 2023, PDF 19 pages.
word count: 7056 which is equivalent to 28 standard pages of text