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Unnamed Magician

#1 Magic & Mentalism author
#1 Cards author

Dear reader, I've been involved in card magic ever since I was a teenager. For the first few years, I only focused on learning card tricks, but now I focus on creating them as much as learning them.

To that end, I want to share some of my creations with you. These include - but are not limited to - card location effects, card divination effects, prediction effects, coincidence effects, pseudo-memory effects, and telepathy effects. So I focus on a wide range of different card plots.

If you ever have any questions for me, whether before purchasing any of my products or after, feel free to reach out to me at

Yours truly, Unnamed Magician.

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Bestselling Products for Unnamed Magician


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$20 $15
Unnamed Magician
The Impossible Reversal by Unnamed Magician

This is a very powerful two-spectator coincidence effect, where one spectator selects (and loses) a card under very fair conditions, and then a second spectator impossibly locates the card.


The magician introduces a deck of cards - he spreads it face-up to display that all the cards are different. He then hands the deck over to one of the spectators and asks them to thoroughly shuffle the deck. (They can shuffle in any way that they want.)

The magician then says, "I want you to make a free choice of any card in the shuffled deck. Simply spread the deck face down across the...

$20 $15
Unnamed Magician
The Scalloped Short Card: an underused tool by Unnamed Magician

The common element in all three of those effects is the use of a scalloped short card (a special short card that was popularized by Dai Vernon). It is a gimmick that I rarely see used. A few people use a short card nowadays - even fewer use a scalloped short card.

If you're interested in learning three distinct applications of this tool (a pseudo-memory effect, a telepathy effect, and a prediction effect), then this e-book is for you.

Note: If you're only interested in one of the three effects, then you're just better off individually buying that one (as it would be cheaper). But if you're interested...

Unnamed Magician
Time Will Tell by Unnamed Magician

In this e-book, I want to teach an incredibly powerful coincidence effect that is based on an idea by Charles Jordan. A card is fairly selected and lost, and then found in a highly unique way. For lay people, it doesn't get stronger than this; of all the effects that I've created, this generates the best reactions from lay audiences.


The magician introduces a deck of cards. He spreads it face-up to display that all the cards are different and in no particular order. He then hands the deck to the spectator as he says, "I want you to cut off about a third of the deck and give it a shuffle until...

Unnamed Magician
Open Prediction: a new approach to a classic plot by Unnamed Magician

"Thomas Baxter would be proud." - Brian Draven

"If you're a fan of the open prediction plot as I am, this is worth checking out. It's a very original approach, which combines existing methods in a unique and clever way." - Michael Gustav

"A very nice idea. I can see myself using this. Super easy to perform too." - Kevin Schneider

In this e-book, I want to share with you my own solution for the classic open prediction plot. The one major advantage of this version is that there is proper shuffling by the spectator just before the final deal - and the magician never touches the deck...

★★★ $20
Unnamed Magician
One of Card Magic's Best Kept Secrets by Unnamed Magician

"This is one of the most important card magic manuscripts published in the last 25 years. The 'principle' is truly a lost gem and I'm shocked that it's completely out of use today. As the decades passed, it appears magicians forgot about it. Do not pass this up. If you are a serious student of card magic, this principle is something you should know about. Study this manuscript, learn the principle, and, most importantly, learn the history surrounding it.

I've been studying card magic for over 20 years and I never heard of this principle until the Unnamed Magician brought it to my attention....

Unnamed Magician
Unthinkable Location by Unnamed Magician

For those of you who own several of my products, you've probably realized by now that card locations are my area of expertise. And so we're back with another location that I think is a total fooler. The best part is that it can be performed with any regular deck. Very few magicians have been able to work this one out when I showed it to them - so I am confident that with this you will be fooling all your magician friends (even the knowledgeable ones).

The main takeaway of the ebook, however, is not the aforementioned effect but rather the shuffling principle that I will be teaching you....

★★★★★ $20
Unnamed Magician
The 'Holy Grail' of Phone Effects by Unnamed Magician

"This totally fooled me! It's VERY clever and VERY deceptive." - Marc Paul

"By far the best solution I've seen for this card plot. I have numerous unpublished solutions of my own but none are as deceptive as this one. When the Unnamed Magician first shared the basic idea with me, I was blown away." - Tommaso Guglielmi

"It really does live up to its title." - Alexander Javier

"An outstanding method. The creative thought process that is needed to come up with something like this is something I can't even begin to imagine." - Tony Bianco

"A mystery for the ages. I can't see anyone, layman or magician, working...

Unnamed Magician
Intuition by Unnamed Magician

"A very nice mentalism routine. And the method is devilish!" - Tony Bianco

"After I was taught the method for this, I immediately smiled. It is super clever, you won't be disappointed." - Brian Draven

"Many of you know the Unnamed Magician by now. But I've had the privilege of knowing him for a long time now. Any time he creates a new routine and sends it to me, I always make time that very day just so I can see it. This routine is no different." - Tommaso Guglielmi

To mark my 1st year anniversary at Lybrary, I am (in collaboration with someone else) releasing something very special, which, if you like...

Unnamed Magician
To Bombay and Beyond by Unnamed Magician

Selected card at selected number.

This is a very clean "selected card at selected number" effect. The spectator selects a card, shuffles to lose the card, selects a number, and the card is miraculously found at the number. A performance video can be seen below.


The magician introduces a deck, spreads it face up to display that all the cards are different and in no particular order, and then hands it to the spectator. He invites them to cut off about a third of the deck and to look at the bottom card of the cut-off portion as their selection. The magician then asks them to thoroughly...

Unnamed Magician
The Gift by Unnamed Magician

Another trick that fooled the best cardmen in the world.

"This is a fooler! The Unnamed Magician has created an impenetrable mystery that not even your magician friends will be able to figure out. It's really well constructed and how he gains the secret knowledge is ingenious!" - Marc Paul

"A truly diabolical method which will fool even the most knowledgeable of card magicians!" - Matt Baker

"There aren't many creators reaching the same standard as Unnamed Magician when it comes to creating real mind puzzling card effects; you need to be Alan Turing to break these codes. In this effect you are...

Unnamed Magician
Three Shades of Wonder by Unnamed Magician

Imagine an impossible location, an astounding coincidence, and an inexplicable prediction ... all jammed into one routine. Three effects in one, using two spectators. That's Three Shades of Wonder, and it's a true showstopper. Read on.


The magician introduces a deck of cards. He hands it over to the spectators so they can examine it and verify that all the cards are different. Then, the magician splits the deck into two halves, placing one half in front of each spectator.

The magician explains (as he gives a demonstration) that both spectators are to take their half underneath...

Unnamed Magician
The DWS Principle by Unnamed Magician

This ebook is about a principle (a shuffling principle) that I discovered. More accurately, it is an extension of an already existing shuffling principle. In the original principle, the deck can be given one riffle shuffle at the end of a card location routine, after which the selected card can be located. In my variant principle, the deck can be given not one but two riffle shuffles at the end of a card location routine, after which the selected card can be located.

The ebook contains a detailed essay on both the original principle and the new principle, where the two principles are compared....

★★★★ $20
Unnamed Magician
Dead Reckoning: on steroids by Unnamed Magician

"A really powerful spell-to-your-card effect. The title says it all, it is Bannon's "Dead Reckoning" except on steroids." - Tommaso Guglielmi

"For a long time I've been performing "Dead Reckoning" by John Bannon. It's one of my go-to effects in my repertoire. But that changed today. "Dead Reckoning: On Steroids" is a marvelous improvement on the original. It is unbelievably deceptive and impossible to reverse engineer, and it replaces "Dead Reckoning" in my repertoire. Thanks Unnamed Magician for this splendid creation." - Brian Draven

"The main effect is good but the first bonus effect is beyond good."...

Unnamed Magician
Your Thought Is Mine by Unnamed Magician

"I've been performing this over the past few days and more than one spectator has been convinced that I possess ESP. It's that strong." - Tommaso Guglielmi

"Another phenomenal effect by the Unnamed Magician. If you like thought of card tricks or coincidence tricks, this is a steal for the price." - Tony Bianco

A truly remarkable coincidence. A deck is shuffled and divided into two halves. The spectator thinks of a card in their half, the magician thinks of a card in his half, and when the two halves are simultaneously dealt through, the two cards turn up at the same time! Read on.

Imagine: ...

★★★★★ $20
Unnamed Magician
Totally Impossible Location Again by Unnamed Magician

A location of a selected card under true test conditions. The deck is shuffled before and after the selection ... yet the card can be located. It's fooled many well-versed magicians, so laymen don't stand a chance. Read on. (There is a full performance video with a spectator attached below as well.)


The magician introduces a deck of cards - he spreads it face-up to show that all the cards are different. The spectator is invited to thoroughly examine and shuffle the deck.

The magician then explains (as he gives a demonstration) that they are to select a card by simply cutting...

Unnamed Magician
Rain Man Yet Again by Unnamed Magician

Note: For those of you who own Rain Man and Rain Man Again, this uses a completely different method.


The magician and the spectator are seated together at a table. The magician introduces a deck of cards, which he hands to the spectator - they are asked to examine and shuffle it thoroughly. Once they're done shuffling, the magician takes back the deck and holds it. He says, "I want you to generate a random number between 1 and 52. Of course, I could have you name one, but then you may think I psychologically influenced you towards a particular number or that I relied on you to think of a popular...

★★★★ $20
Unnamed Magician
The Exception by Unnamed Magician

The trick that fooled the best cardmen in the world.

"'The Exception' totally fooled me. The method is diabolical. All the avenues to explanation are blocked. That's what an impossible location is supposed to do. And this trick does it." - Mike Powers

"'The Exception' is composed of several known and reliable methods arranged in a way that will make them unrecognizable to most students of card magic methodology. If you are looking for something quick and easy to add to your existing strolling set, this is probably not for you. However, if you're a fan of impossible locations that employ an ordinary...

Unnamed Magician
The SSSB Principle by Unnamed Magician

This ebook is not about any particular effect but rather is about a principle that you can apply to certain types of effects in order to double their fool factor. The principle makes it possible to create the illusion of a shuffle where a shuffle wouldn't otherwise be possible. There are many effects in which the deck can only be cut at the end (not shuffled). With the application of this principle, you can create the illusion of a shuffle. Best of all, the illusion can be created with the spectator themself shuffling.

That's not to say this principle can be applied to just any effect....

Unnamed Magician
Double Miracle by Unnamed Magician

An impromptu, gimmick-free, borrowed deck miracle. A location and divination of a selected card under test conditions. Read on.


The magician introduces a deck of cards. The spectator can thoroughly examine it, after which they can freely shuffle it for as long as they want in any way that they want.

Once they're done shuffling, the magician invites them to look through the deck (faces towards themself, backs towards the magician) and select any two cards that they like. Let's suppose they select the two black A's. They turn these face-up and leave them on the table.


Unnamed Magician
ACAAN: another approach to an age-old plot by Unnamed Magician

Note: For those of you who own ACAAN: A Fresh Approach to an Age-Old Plot, this uses a totally different principle.


The magician introduces a special deck of 52 cards, where each card is seen to have a number 1 through 52 printed on it. The spectators (two of them) are asked to verify that all the numbers are indeed different, that there aren't any duplicate numbers. The magician hands one spectator this special deck (in a face-down position) and says, "I want you to select a number 1 through 52. But instead of just thinking of a number 1 through 52, I want you to randomly select one. Like that, even you don't know...

★★★★★ $13.33
Unnamed Magician
Behind the Back Divination by Unnamed Magician


The magician introduces a deck of cards. The spectator can thoroughly examine it, after which they can freely shuffle it for as long as they want in any way that they want. Once they're done shuffling, the magician invites them to spread through the deck face down and select any two cards that they like. They leave these face down on the table. The magician then instructs them to turn one of them face-up - let's suppose it is the JS. As for the other one, the magician tells the spectator not to look at this card yet - it will be a mystery for the end.

The spectator is then...

Unnamed Magician
ACAAN: a fresh approach to an age-old plot by Unnamed Magician


The magician introduces a special deck of 52 cards, where each card is seen to have a number 1 through 52 printed on it. The spectators (two of them) are asked to verify that all the numbers are indeed different, that there aren't any duplicate numbers. The magician hands one spectator this special deck (in a face-down position) and says, "I want you to select a number 1 through 52. But instead of just thinking of a number 1 through 52, I want you to randomly select one. Like that, even you don't know what number you'd end up with, thereby eliminating any psychological influence....

★★★★ $20
Unnamed Magician
Move a Card: the 'Holy Grail' method for a classic plot by Unnamed Magician

"Pretty sure Moe would have been fooled by this." - Ryan Schlutz

"A clever method for a memory demonstration." - Christian Grace

Note: The effect described below makes up less than half of the entire e-book. The rest of the e-book contains several other methods for the "Move a Card" plot.

The "Move a Card" plot goes all the way back to at least the 1930s, when it was popularized by Moe Seidenstein. Over the decades, many methods have been developed. But I believe this method is the 'Holy Grail' method, simply because of its impossible conditions. Among other conditions, any borrowed deck can be...

Unnamed Magician
Over the Phone Telepathy: on steroids by Unnamed Magician


The magician hands a business card to a spectator as he says to them "My assistant's number and name is on this card. I'm giving this information to you now because if I gave it to you after the selection, you might think I have 52 numbers or 52 names prepared, one for each possible outcome." With this said, he promises never to touch the business card again.

The magician then introduces a deck of cards, spreading it face up in front of the spectator. The spectator can see that all cards are present and that there are no duplicates.

The magician invites the spectator to...

Unnamed Magician
Totally Impossible Location by Unnamed Magician


The magician introduces a deck of cards; he spreads it face up to show that all the cards are different. He then gives it to a spectator and asks them to thoroughly shuffle it. After they are done shuffling, he asks them to cut off about a third of the deck. The spectator does that. The magician then sets aside the remainder of the deck and tells the spectator to just focus on the third they cut off.

The magician tells the spectator that they can shuffle the third if they want (not that it's necessary because moments ago, before cutting off the third, they shuffled the entire...

Unnamed Magician
Three Pile Location: on meth by Unnamed Magician


The magician introduces a deck of cards. He invites a spectator to thoroughly shuffle the deck. Once the spectator is done shuffling, the magician spreads the deck face up as he asks them to verify that all the cards are in fact different. With this done, he closes the spread and turns the deck back face down, after which he turns his back to the spectator. He then (while turned away) instructs the spectator to cut the deck into 3 piles. Furthermore, he promises never to touch the deck again until the end.

The spectator takes the deck and cuts it into 3 more or less equal piles:...

★★★★★ $13.33
Unnamed Magician
Rain Man Again by Unnamed Magician

Note: For those who own the original Rain Man, you're in for a real treat (see the last condition in the conditions section below).


The magician and the spectator are seated together at a table. The magician introduces a deck of cards and spreads it face up to show that all the cards are different. After this, he turns his back to the spectator and says "I want you to generate a random number between 1 and 52. Of course, I could have you name one, but then you may think I psychologically influenced you towards a particular number or that I relied on you to think of a popular number....

★★★★★ $20
Unnamed Magician
Three Pile Location: on cocaine by Unnamed Magician


The magician introduces a deck of cards. He invites a spectator to thoroughly shuffle the deck. Once the spectator is done shuffling, the magician spreads the deck face up as he asks them to verify that all the cards are in fact different. With this done, he closes the spread and turns the deck back face down. He then instructs the spectator to cut the deck into 3 piles. Furthermore, he promises never to touch the deck again until the end.

The spectator takes the deck and cuts it into 3 more or less equal piles: top pile, middle pile and bottom pile respectively. The magician...

★★★★ $13.33
Unnamed Magician
Behind the Back Location by Unnamed Magician


The magician introduces a deck of cards; he spreads it face up to show that all the cards are different. Next, he places the deck on the table in front of a spectator. He says: "In a moment I am going to turn my back to you, and while I am turned away, I want you to make a free selection of any card. Simply cut off any amount of cards and look at the bottom card of the cut-off portion. Then, bury the cut-off portion somewhere into the middle of the remaining cards in order to lose your selected card. Once that is done, invite me to turn back around to face you."

So the magician...

★★★ $20
Unnamed Magician
Three Pile Location: on steroids by Unnamed Magician


The magician introduces a deck of cards. He spreads it face up to show that all the cards are different. Next, he invites a spectator to thoroughly shuffle the deck. Once the spectator is done shuffling, the magician takes the deck to demonstrate what they are to do. He cuts off some cards from the top of the deck as he tells the spectator "I want you to cut the cards from the top of the deck like this in order to make some piles." He then reassembles the deck and hands it back to the spectator as he says "Let's do 3 piles. So cut the deck into 3 piles." Furthermore, he promises...

Unnamed Magician
Rain Man by Unnamed Magician

Imagine: The magician and the spectator are seated together at a table. The magician introduces a deck of cards and spreads it face up to show that all the cards are different. After this, he turns his back to the spectator and says "I want you to generate a random number between 1 and 52. Of course, I could have you name one, but then you may think I psychologically influenced you towards a particular number or that I relied on you to think of a popular number. So to eliminate such ideas, I want you to generate a number by cutting off any amount of cards from the top of the deck and then...

★★★★★ $20
Unnamed Magician
Spectator Locates Magician's Card by Unnamed Magician


The magician and the spectator are seated together at a table. The magician hands the spectator a deck of cards and asks them to examine all of the cards (making sure that they're all different, etc.) and to shuffle them thoroughly. After this is done, the spectator is asked to cut the deck into two approximately equal piles and to keep one for themself and to give the other to the magician.

The magician now says that each of them will bring their respective half under the table and spread through the faces of the cards in order to select (and remove) one, which will then be...

Unnamed Magician
An Unfathomable Premonition by Unnamed Magician


A prediction deck is removed from its box by the magician. The magician spreads out the faces of the cards towards two spectators as he tells them "I've isolated one card in this deck as my prediction. I won't tell you what it is just yet. I am going to try to signal it to your subconscious for now. Look carefully." After this, he places this deck face down in front of the two spectators and tells them he will return to the prediction at the end. The magician also promises never to touch that deck again.

Now the first spectator is given another deck and the second spectator...

Displaying 1 to 33 (of 33 products)