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Arthur Ray

Arthur Ray

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Arthur Ray
Wall-E System by Arthur Ray

Please Note: This effect can only be done on an Android phone. It does not require an internet connection.

Wall-E System is the 21st century multiple-out system. It is the most portable multiple-out system because it lives on your Android phone. And the best part is that the prediction is always on the wallpaper and the audience holds the phone throughout the performance.

You will be getting everything that is needed to perform the effects. Get it and perform them right away.

You get the following effects with it:

  • OUIJA: You give the audience 5 names. They guess who is dead among...
★★★★ $9.95
Arthur Ray
Memory Catcher by Arthur Ray

A gimmickless method of knowing anyone's memory.

In Memory Catcher, you get to reveal anyone's embarrassing memory. There are no gimmicked envelopes, no impressions, no switches, and no sneaky below the table peek. All you need are envelopes, pieces of paper and pens, and you are all set to put up a 7 minute routine which gradually and dramatically builds to the memory reveal. Suitable for both stage and close-up. Moreover, Arthur shares his whole routine and presentation in this PDF.

1st edition 2019, PDF 9 pages.

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