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Atlas Brookings

Atlas Brookings

The son of a psychologist and a computer programmer, as a child, Atlas voraciously read anything that he could get his hands on. In what he now recognizes was a desire to better relate to his parents, he would read the books in their personal libraries, including countless books on varying topics in the field of psychology as well as technical manuals on different programming languages. By the age of eight, he had written numerous computer programs and read and understood books with complicated-sounding titles like "The Peter Pan Syndrome".

Atlas quickly realized that the input-output system used to relay information to computers was very similar to the five senses that the human brain uses to obtain, weigh, and process data. He began to see the human mind as a computer that could be programmed. Over time, he began to experiment with this idea, and soon married the disciplines of the psychologist and computer programmer. One of his books, "The Real Thing", is a direct result of those combined interests. With this background, it is no surprise that he was drawn to Mentalism and has been booked to perform for varied audiences over the years.


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★★★★★ $40
Atlas Brookings
The Prodigal by Atlas Brookings

"Seriously, this is underpriced...A vast amount of theory and applicable content is squeezed into this... After I get it all integrated, this is going straight into my naked repertoire... This has a huge amount of information to digest, but it's 100% workable, and Atlas has brought many, many new ways to work with this to the table. I think that many don't use this principle simply because a work this all encompassing has never before been written on the topic. This really fills a previously gaping hole in mentalism and opens up many doors. This is incredibly underpriced in my opinion. I...

★★★★★ $32
Atlas Brookings
The Real Thing by Atlas Brookings

What do other Mentalists think?

"At last a routine where you really are doing what you claim! This is a fantastic concept that Atlas has expanded greatly. It has the feeling of real mentalism because it IS real mentalism." - Marc Paul

"Page seven of your manuscript is worth whatever you end up charging for it." - Dave Arch

"I really enjoyed 'The Real Thing'...The core of the effect uses pure psychology which is just the ticket. The way in which this has been used to create a nice little lie-detector routine is very clever indeed." - Derek Heron

"Rather than a physical peek, your method...

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