What do other Mentalists think?
"At last a routine where you really are doing what you claim! This is a fantastic concept that Atlas has expanded greatly. It has the feeling of real mentalism because it IS real mentalism." - Marc Paul
"Page seven of your manuscript is worth whatever you end up charging for it." - Dave Arch
"I really enjoyed 'The Real Thing'...The core of the effect uses pure psychology which is just the ticket. The way in which this has been used to create a nice little lie-detector routine is very clever indeed." - Derek Heron
"Rather than a physical peek, your method is kinda like a mental peek!" - Seamus Maguire
"I must say I really enjoyed reading 'The Real Thing'. If nothing else, it has gotten me thinking and that's when I know I'm taken by an idea." - Nique Tan
"Thank you for making my copy of 'Naked Mentalism' relevant again!" - Aaron Alexander
"Atlas has opened up a world of possibilities here. Using this knowledge you can play mind detective and catch your criminal every time. Very sneaky stuff. Excellent." - Greg Arce
"When I first released Naked Mentalism back in 2007, I hoped that others would run with it and create simple, subtle, yet powerful effects that really do feel real. With 'The Real Thing', Atlas has certainly done that. It's a tour de force; intelligent, clean and yet very reliable. Lovely work." - Jon Thompson
When this routine was first released in the Pyscrets publication Liber Mentis, it created quite a stir. It offered a means of performing both a lie detector type routine as well as an incredibly clean and direct mind read, devoid of any standard form of method. At the time, the text was only available through the Psycrets publication, but, after the widespread approval it received, the text has been reworked and dramatically extended, offering 22 more pages of additional material. This new material not only contains another means of performing a clean, impromptu, and apparently impossible mind read, but it contains instructions for a book test that is unlike anything you have ever seen before!
Imagine being able to have someone choose a word from a book, close the book and set it aside, and then change their word to any other word they can think of (and I'm not talking about a different word from the book, but any other word they can think of) - only to have the performer subsequently reveal their new word with NO fishing!
For the first time, this extended version of The Real Thing teaches you how to do this and much more!
This text contains an astonishing array of impromptu routines! Any time you are asked to perform a feat of mind reading, all you need is a pen and something to write on.
For example:
On five (or more) different pieces of paper (business cards work well) you write a unique sentence, folding each card as you finish. The participant takes all five pieces of paper, and while you turn around (or leave the room), opens one and reads it. Once this is done, the Mentalist has a short chat with the spectator, and then tells them the sentence they were thinking of. The papers stay in the participant's possession the entire time. No peeking, no confederates, no dirty work - Just REAL psychological Mentalism.
extended edition 2013, 40 pages.
word count: 11857 which is equivalent to 47 standard pages of text