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Back in a Flash
by Ken Muller


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Back in a Flash by Ken Muller

A multi-phase telepathy or telempathy routine that is unique, entertaining, and profound.

A volunteer selects several random objects on which to focus attention and memory. Sitting back-to-back with no possibility of visual cues of the objects or body language, the performer reveals glimpses of information received through mind-to-mind communication. There are multiple sensory events with different depth and clarity, always different in each presentation. The audience members are participants and not just observers and also serve as referees.

This is a stripped-down version of a routine called "Back in Touch" that I have performed for more than 60 years in many settings. This approach is suitable for social distancing situations, but still allows for audience participation and "milking" every reveal of information to the max.

The BBNS structuring can be applied to other effects as well (Back-to-back No See'em).

Over my six decades of performing effects with a "mental bent," the demonstration receiving the most comments has been one called Back In Touch. Partly this was due to its universal appeal in a variety of settings; college classroom or student union, business conference, or outdoors in the park. Partially it is from the semi-humorous contrived antics possible from physical contact with a person of the opposite gender. Optional, of course. Twenty-three years after one performance a man recognized me and said, "I will never forget that mind-reading thing you did at the University in Sacramento. The way that cute gal was writhing against your back while you sketched her thoughts made me think maybe you were connected in some other way."

1st edition 2021, PDF 6 pages.
word count: 3008 which is equivalent to 12 standard pages of text