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Magic Awareness: F.U.N. Presentation Series
by Ken Muller


(2 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Magic Awareness: F.U.N. Presentation Series by Ken Muller

A collection of stories, poems, and reflections about magic - inexplicable phenomena in life that impact our audience, or you as the performer. This can be inspirational or focusing for novices, amateurs, collectors, or professionals. I wrote this a decade ago as a Christmas gift for magic friends around the world, but it could be an ideal gift to others or self at any time.

"This book is written for those who have chosen to make of performance magic something more than an onlooker or student - those called magicians, conjurors, mentalists, illusionists, and magical entertainers (and their significant others). Many others might find it valuable too: educators, psychologists, priests, advertisers, salesmen, and scriptwriters to name a few. To all, it is a gift!"

More than 100 pages of short messages for thoughtful reflection or self-appreciation, drawn from my 60+ years of involvement with the Mystic Arts. This ebook is consistent with my Magic Cafe' byline:

"The more one pretends at magic, the more awe and wonder will be found in real life." - Arnold Furst

1st edition 2010, PDF 119 pages.
word count: 27882 which is equivalent to 111 standard pages of text