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Bankteller: A Money Prediction Effect
by Raymond Doetjes

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Bankteller: A Money Prediction Effect by Raymond Doetjes

Bankteller is a powerful money prediction effect that involves several people: You hand a volunteer a prediction envelope. You show an empty stack of envelopes, you ask several people to put one coin each in that empty envelope, whilst you look away. You let the volunteer seal the envelope. After you noticed that a few of the contributors have cheated, you ask the volunteer to open the envelope and you predicted the exact amount collected; No swami writing!

Then you ask her to take any three coins and slip them in envelopes and mix them up. You will know where each coin is.

As a final thought you let the volunteer add all the dates together and even that you have predicted on the back of your initial prediction. This effect is very easy to perform and foolproof.

1st edition 2008; 12 pages.
word count: 2330 which is equivalent to 9 standard pages of text