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by Fred Darevil

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Barathon by Fred Darevil

Invite your spectators on a bar crawl around the world. From the worst to the most prestigious. And along the way demonstrate your ability to anticipate their choices and stay one step ahead of chance.

Perform three fun and participatory mentalism effects.

Prediction: despite the free mixes made by a participant with the white cards on which you have written the names of bars, their location in the world, and their rating between 1 and 5, you are able to predict in which bar the Barathon will end.

Telepathy: you manage to capture the thoughts of a participant and identify the name of the bar selected by them for the first stage of the Barathon.

Intuition: unconsciously the spectator seems to have been influenced by a number visible from the start on the beer capsule that he used to represent his movements, thus causing an astonishing coincidence!

To achieve these three entertaining and stunning effects you will simply need a few white cards and a beer capsule. Easy to do, no manipulation and very entertaining!

1st edition 2023, PDF 18 pages.
word count: 3289 which is equivalent to 13 standard pages of text