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Maurice Kill
by Fred Darevil

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Maurice Kill by Fred Darevil

Maurice Kill is a completely reimagined version of the classic effect Miraskill created by Stewart James (participant chooses red or black color and the mentalist has the other, cards are turned over two at a time making three piles. One will be the red pile if both cards are red. One will be the black pile if both are black. The last will be the discard pile if one is red and one is black. The result of the game is predicted in advance by the mentalist).

Maurice Kill is a faster and more stunning version. Variations are offered to you. You may not even know the number of cards used, which was impossible in the original version.

A third phase has been added allowing a new effect with the red and black pile that no one had yet thought of. A mini-story was written for the occasion to introduce you to the disturbing character of Maurice Kill while including you in the story. You can then present this effect in a narrative manner if you wish.

1st edition 2023, PDF 7 pages.
word count: 3744 which is equivalent to 14 standard pages of text