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Bending Minds Bending Metal Volume 1
by Guy Bavli

MP4 (video) | by download [573 MByte]  
Bending Minds Bending Metal Volume 1 by Guy Bavli
This product is also part of:
  • Spoons from Card Case - Produce spoons from your card case - how do they fit?
  • Bending a Spoon in a Spectator's Hand - Bend metal with your mind.
  • Bag Bend - A complete act involving members of the audience; spoons bend and break.
  • Melting a Spoon in a Spectator's Hand - A spoon melts and breaks while in a spectator's hand.
  • Miracle with a Fork - One of the tines on a fork bends, unbends and then breaks.
  • Energy Hand - By simply waving your hand over a spoon, it bends.
  • Perfect Key Bending - A borrowed and signed key is bent using only the power of your mind.
  • Haunted Spoon - The ultimate haunted handkerchief.
1st edition 2004, length 90 min.

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism / Bizarre

Magic & Mentalism / DVD (download+stream)