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Bending Minds Bending Metal Volume 2
by Guy Bavli

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Bending Minds Bending Metal Volume 2 by Guy Bavli
This product is also part of:
  • Incredibly Clean - An easy mental masterpiece with cards.
  • Question Mark Mystery - A matching pair of cards is located by a spectator using only the power of the mind.
  • Fan Vision - A thought-of card, the performer names it.
  • The Perfect Prediction - The ultimate book test, near-impossible conditions.
  • Impromptu Card Stab - A card is selected and lost; cards are tossed into the air and the selection is impaled on a knife.
  • The Lottery Prediction - Six spectators correctly pick the winning lottery numbers.
1st edition 2004, length 82 min.

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism / Bizarre

Magic & Mentalism / DVD (download+stream)