Listen along to the thrilling adventures of Blackstone, the Magic Detective. Each week he will solve a variety of mysteries with magic. Along with his main assistant, the beautiful Rhoda Brent (voiced by Fran Carlon) and their radio announcers Alan Kent and Don Hancock (or here and there John, played by Ted Osborne, who may be Rhoda’s boyfriend) we get to hear thrilling inside stories about the mementos he has collected when solving fantastic crimes or the magic apparatus Blackstone has used to solve them. Then, Blackstone lets us in on the magic we can do at home and “reveal the guarded secrets of the world’s greatest living magician!”
The truth is, of course, that they are all simple little tricks, sometimes little more than barbets. In fact, Blackstone is not even the real Blackstone but veteran radio actor Ed Jerome. Many episodes were written by Walter Gibson, though, with Nancy Webb penning the rest. These are great stories for magicians and anyone who appreciates the exciting, if sometimes a bit sensational, storytelling found in old time radio.
At one time, there were as many as 78 episodes. However, about two dozen have been lost over the years. This represents the most complete collection known to exist, minus the so-called Shark Island Story, which is sometimes represented as an episode from an unknown date. It is actually The Voodoo Treasure.
If you like these kinds of stories you might also be interested in The Blackstone Magic Comics which feature also Blackstone using his magic knowledge to defeat the thieves and other criminals.
All these episodes have been digitally restored and remastered. Each episode has had the major clicks, pops and distortions removed while preserving the vintage sound. You can also download these episodes in packs of six from the Blackstone Detective category.
- That Ghost That Trapped A Killer
- The Reluctant Buzzsaw
- The Emerald In The Fishbowl
- The Maharaja’s Gold
- The Educated Dummy
- The Riddle of the Talking Skull
- The Whispering Buddha
- The Organ Murder
- The Ghost That Wasn’t
- The Icy Touch
- Underwater Death
- The Coins of Confucius
- Murder on Stage
- The Midway Robberies
- The Frozen Lady
- The Hooded Rider
- The Phantom Intermezzo
- The Vanishing Pearls
- The Curse of the Yogi
- The Coin of Cleopatra
- The Hand of Cagliostro
- The Message from Nowhere
- The Riddle of the Red Rose
- The Aztec Fire God
- The Missing Palmist
- The Ladder of Wealth
- The Locked Book
- The Deathless Shot
- The Riddle of the Other Eightball
- The Cellini Statuette
- The Curse of Kali
- Footsteps in the Night
- The Voodoo Treasure
- Four Keys to Crime
- The Knife from the Dark
- Death in the Crystal
- The Hindu Sword Cabinet
- The Face of Death
- The Voice from the Void
- The Bird of Doom
- The Phantom Detective
- The Riddle of the Seven Zombies
- Crime in the Stars
- The Devil’s Cauldron
- The Ghost in the Crypt
- The Accusing Corpse
- Death Defying Death
- The Criminal Who Caught Himself
- The Vanishing Brooch
- Crimes on a Merry Go Round
- The Magic Writing
- The Mark of Crime
- The Creeping Death
- The Gory Goldfish
There is one additional episode "The Shark Island Story" for which I have no information when it was aired.