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Brother Can You Spare a Dime
by Ray Noble


(1 review, 1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Brother Can You Spare a Dime by Ray Noble

This routine uses 4 coins and a borrowed paper bill. Three of the coins are the same style while the 4th is different. Ray uses three silver coins and one gold colored coin when he performs this routine. The odd coin (gold) is laid on the close up mat and a bill is placed over it. Next the magic starts to happen without any clue as to how it is being done. One by one the other three coins are picked up and vanish from your hand and travel beneath the bill. Each time, the spectator picks up the bill to find the traveled coin. The first coin vanish is so complete there is shock and awe on the spectators face. The bill is replaced over the tabled coins and without coming near the bill, the 2nd coin vanishes from your hand and when the spectator lifts the bill, it has also traveled. This is where the jaws drop and utter disbelief creeps over everyone because it is totally unreal how this second coin made its way beneath the bill.

Brother Can You Spare a Dime is a magical routine that looks and feels like the real deal. Perform it once and you might have your own magic groupie followers.

1st edition 2014, 16 pages.
word count: 2700 which is equivalent to 10 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Joel Kaplan (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Sunday 07 December, 2014

I like this a lot! Clever, easy, well written, and lots of photos.

You can't go wrong with this one.

Borrowing a bill makes it easier for the spectator to give it to you as a tip, depending where you're performing.

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