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Brunel White

Brunel White

(Britain: c1892 - 21st October 1944)

Stage name of Thomas C. Morgan. Pro dealer in Llandilo, South Wales, in 1920s, and thence in London. Invented "Master Hat" (1919, for silk production). Wrote Original Mysteries for Magicians (1919, 82pp) and Modern Master Mysteries (1923, 107pp). Wrote (as "B.W.") weekly magic page for World's Fair 1935-40. Imprisoned in 1940 for violation of wartime censorship law.

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Brunel White
Modern Master Mysteries by Brunel White

Excerpt from the introduction:

It would not be out of place for me to here add what Mr. Louis C. Haley (author of that fine book The Dramatic Art of Magic) pointed out re the effects in Original Mysteries, as the same remarks apply to every effect in this present work, that the whole of the apparatus used for obtaining the effects could be made up at home.

  • Introduction
  • Brunel White's Rabbit Box
  • A Silk Warehouse from an Examined Empty Bowler Hat
  • The B.W. "Mystic" Bouquet and Frame
  • "The" Dove and Bouquet Transposition
  • The Marvellous Eight Cut Strings Mystery
  • A New "Master" Table Top
  • The "B.W." Skeleton Table
  • The "Limit"...
Brunel White
Original Mysteries for Magicians by Brunel White

Excerpt from the introduction:

Every effect is practical, for each one has been "tried out," and works.

"Now the question arises, who will be the legitimate successor to Prof. Hoffmann? I will venture to predict that it will be another Briton, Brunel White, whose first plunge into the literary end of the business, "Original Mysteries For Magicians," in my humble opinion, with the single exception of "Modern Magic," the best book I have yet seen, and there are hundreds of Magicians who will agree with me." - Maurice Bliss

  • Introduction
  • The Appearing And Disappearing Knot On Handkerchief ...
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