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Bryn Reynolds

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Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 products)

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Bryn Reynolds
The Logar Scrolls by Bryn Reynolds
"It is with with profound pleasure that I can tell you the Logar Scrolls are now available! I have a lot of this material already. Bryn is one of the few creators whose material I actually USE in real shows. There is not one bit of filler is this book. There is not one weak effect. Everything is TOP NOTCH and totally professional. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am at this release." - Richard Osterlind

"I love how Bryn has expanded a number of the principles as well (like BCP Wrist-Watch, Crystal Ball and the other one I won't mention out loud). These are all rock-solid routines,...

★★★★ $30
Bryn Reynolds
The Safwan Papers by Bryn Reynolds

What the pros have to say:

"Bryn Reynolds is one of the most exciting creators I have come across in many years. Whenever he sends me something it is top notch and is usually an item I add to my repertoire. The Safwan Papers is the latest batch of material to peak my interests. Developed in Iraq, for his fellow soldiers, the material is dynamite! (Or C-4 given the situation!) There are great routines, gadgets and gimmicks that will become standard items in your act and just plain, good ole straight-thinking behind powerful effects! One is already slated for my next set of DVD’s. I highly...
Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 products)