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Burkhard Kainka

Burkhard Kainka

Burkhard Kainka is a prolific German engineer who has for many years developed and published electronic circuits and projects from analog to digital circuits including various microcontrollers. He has developed products for Franzis, Kosmos, and Modul-Bus. He has written many books and contributed to magazines such as Elektor.

He is very good at teaching electronics through hands-on building of electronic circuits, starting with simple circuits for the beginner, all the way to advanced projects for the ambitious and experienced maker.


Coauthors: Chris Wasshuber

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Burkhard Kainka
RPi Pico Test Lab and PicoBasic by Burkhard Kainka

The Rpi Pico Test Lab explains how to turn a regular Raspberry Pi Pico into a complete testing and measuring environment including measuring devices, plotters and oscilloscopes as well as control over eight digital inputs and outputs, three analog inputs and two PWM outputs for power control or for providing adjustable DC voltages.

One of the problems for somebody who would like to get into electronics is purchasing all the necessary testing equipment such as a multimeter, oscilloscope, function generator, variable power supply, component testers, etc. This starts to get expensive. This...

Burkhard Kainka & Chris Wasshuber
Experiments with miniTesla by Burkhard Kainka & Chris Wasshuber

These are the instructions for the Starter Kit. Each Starter Kit already includes a printed copy. This ebook edition is meant for those who want to source components independently or merely want to see the circuits.

  • The miniTesla System
  • Components
    • Resistors and Capacitors
    • Potentiometer
    • IC Socket
  • 1. Operational Amplifier
    • 1.1 First Test
    • 1.2 Touch Sensor
    • 1.3 Run-on Control
    • 1.4 Flashlight
    • 1.5 Adjustable Flash Length
    • 1.6 Light Sensor
    • 1.7 Time Delay
    • 1.8 Push-Pull Light Sensor
    • 1.9 Brightness Comparison
    • 1.10 Twilight Switch
    • 1.11 Temperature Sensor
    • 1.12 Temperature Comparison
    • 1.13 LED...
Burkhard Kainka & Chris Wasshuber
Experimente mit miniTesla (German) by Burkhard Kainka & Chris Wasshuber

Das ist die deutsche Anleitung zum Starter Kit mit allen 47 Schaltungen und Aufbauzeichnungen. Diese Ausgabe ist für diejenigen gedacht die sich selber die notwendigen Bauteile besorgen bzw. nur die Schaltungen sehen wollen.

  • Das miniTesla System
  • Bauteile
  • Widerstände und Kondensatoren
  • Potentiometer
  • IC Sockel
  • 1. Operationsverstärker
    • 1.1 Erster Test
    • 1.2 Berührungssensor
    • 1.3 Nachlaufsteuerung
    • 1.4 Blitzlicht
    • 1.5 Einstellbare Blitzlänge
    • 1.6 Lichtsensor
    • 1.7 Zeitverzögerung
    • 1.8 Gegentakt-Lichtsensor
    • 1.9 Helligkeitsvergleich
    • 1.10 Dämmerungsschalter
    • 1.11 Temperatursensor
    • 1.12 Temperaturvergleich ...
Burkhard Kainka
150 Best Circuits by Burkhard Kainka

150 very useful circuits that have stood the test of time, grouped under 32 application topics.

Burkhard Kainka has for decades developed and designed electronic circuits and projects for Franzis, Elektor, Kosmos, and Modul-Bus. Some of these circuits have stood the test of time and Kainka is returning and using them again and again. 150 of these best and most useful electronic circuits are collected in this ebook.

The focus is on circuit technology with discrete semiconductors and common standard ICs such as operational amplifiers and the NE555 timer chips. The areas of radio technology...

Burkhard Kainka
Side-Effects of Electronics by Burkhard Kainka

Exploiting little-known characteristics of electronic components.

Did you know that an LED can also work as a light sensor or solar cell? That a photodiode can also detect radioactivity? That you can build a microphone from sugar? That a capacitor can 'magically' re-charge itself after it has been fully discharged?

Kainka explains these and other strange and uncommon characteristics of electronic components. Everything is explained in a hands-on style with photos, circuit schematics, measurement results, and explanations of how these phenomena come about and manifest themselves.


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