150 very useful circuits that have stood the test of time, grouped under 32 application topics.
Burkhard Kainka has for decades developed and designed electronic circuits and projects for Franzis, Elektor, Kosmos, and Modul-Bus. Some of these circuits have stood the test of time and Kainka is returning and using them again and again. 150 of these best and most useful electronic circuits are collected in this ebook.
The focus is on circuit technology with discrete semiconductors and common standard ICs such as operational amplifiers and the NE555 timer chips. The areas of radio technology and microcontrollers only appear on the fringes, when simple amplifiers, sensors or switching stages are included.
- Introduction
- 1 Basic transistor circuits
- 2 Light sensors
- 3 Darlington circuit
- 4 Constant current source and current mirror
- 5 Integrator circuits
- 6 Differential amplifier
- 7 AF amplifier
- 8 Emitter follower and impedance converter
- 9 Push-pull stages
- 10 Flip flops
- 11 Multivibrators
- 12 Thyristors and TRIACs
- 13 Schmitt Trigger
- 14 Tone generators
- 15 Phase shifter oscillators
- 16 LC oscillators
- 17 Regenerative receiver
- 18 Quartz oscillators
- 20 Ring oscillators
- 21 Relaxation oscillators
- 22 Operational amplifier
- 23 Signal amplifier with OPA
- 24 OPA oscillators
- 25 Measuring rectifier
- 26 Sine wave oscillator
- 27 Measuring amplifier
- 28 The NE555 timer
- 30 Basic power supply circuits
- 30 Voltage regulators
- 31 Voltage converters
- 32 Switching regulators
Version 1.2, 2023, PDF 141 pages.
word count: 20454 which is equivalent to 81 standard pages of text