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Butterfly Center Tear
by Boyet Vargas


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Butterfly Center Tear by Boyet Vargas

One of the classic forms of mind-reading is the center tear. With a center tear, you can get the secret information that a participant has written. Almost all of the center tears require a pre-folded billet which the participant needs to re-fold the same way after they write down the secret information. The Butterfly Center Tear (BCT) is my solution to a no pre-fold center tear. With BCT, you can now hand a flat billet to the participant and still be able to perform the center tear to peek the secret information. You can also use this method as your backup center tear in case the participant did not comply with the billet pre-fold.

1st edition 2022, PDF 10 pages.
word count: 3266 which is equivalent to 13 standard pages of text