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Boyet Vargas

Boyet Vargas

My name is Boyet Vargas from the Philippines. I am an aspiring Mentalist and Magician. I have been studying and doing Magic and Mentalism as long as I can remember.
My passion in Magic and Mentalism and my love for problem solving enables me to create new effects.
I encourage you to try my routines and if you have questions and clarifications please do not hesitate to contact me.

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Bestselling Products for Boyet Vargas


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Boyet Vargas
Mental Assassin by Boyet Vargas

Mental Assassin is a mind-reading effect that fits inside your wallet that can be performed anytime, anywhere. In Summary, this is what the routine looks like:

  1. Mentalist hands out a card containing different words.
  2. Spectator freely chooses a word.
  3. Spectator performs visualization test.
  4. Mentalist is able to divine the chosen word.
  • No Fishing
  • No Force
  • Different Word every time

1st edition 2018, PDF 7 pages.

★★★★★ $10
Boyet Vargas
Word 4 Word by Boyet Vargas

The mentalist shows some Alphabet flashcards to the participants. The cards are mixed and distributed. The participants are asked to form a word using the letters they have received, from which the mentalist will be able to divine all of them.

  • Uses an ordinary object.
  • Self-working.
  • Not process heavy.
  • If needed, the effect can be repeated with a different result.
  • The effect can be adjusted to be able to perform to a smaller group.

Bonus Effect: The Missing Link

Each participant exchanges cards after they were mixed and distributed, and yet the mentalist is able to identify which...

Boyet Vargas
Out of the Box by Boyet Vargas

"I think your approach and method are brilliant." - Marc Salem

"I think it is a fun effect." - Mike Vance

The mentalist hands out a billet containing different objects. The participant then makes a series of choices and moves between objects while the mentalist eliminates different objects along the way with their help. In the end, the participant ends up with an object that matches what the mentalist has written before the start of the routine.

  • You do not know how many times or how the participant moves in between objects.
  • The participant is somehow involved in the elimination...
★★★★ $0
Boyet Vargas
Butterfly Center Tear by Boyet Vargas

One of the classic forms of mind-reading is the center tear. With a center tear, you can get the secret information that a participant has written. Almost all of the center tears require a pre-folded billet which the participant needs to re-fold the same way after they write down the secret information. The Butterfly Center Tear (BCT) is my solution to a no pre-fold center tear. With BCT, you can now hand a flat billet to the participant and still be able to perform the center tear to peek the secret information. You can also use this method as your backup center tear in case the participant...

Boyet Vargas
The Four Card Mystery Presents: Influence by Boyet Vargas

The Four Mystery Presents: Influence is a follow-up effect from a previous release. It is a three-phase card-matching mentalism routine that demonstrates your ability to influence the cards of the participant.

  • No sleights
  • No secret markings
  • No gimmicks
  • Very little memory work
  • The participant has freedom in the mixing process

This effect exploits the different uses of my newly developed method featured in my book The Four Mystery Presents: Remote Viewing. The method enables you to have the participant mix the cards, and yet, the mentalist is still able to determine and control the possible outcomes.

1st edition 2021,...

★★★★★ $5
Boyet Vargas
Influencing Rock, Paper, Scissors by Boyet Vargas

The mentalist and participant play a card game involving rock, paper, scissors. Even though the participant makes all the decisions throughout the game, the mentalist ends up always right.

  • No force
  • No setup is required
  • No long process
  • Participant always decides and yet you are always right

This effect requires you to have custom cards made. You can either use the template provided in this ebook or create your own custom cards using props that are common to every magician and mentalist.

"I see, you put lots of thoughts on this idea." - Bond Lee

1st edition 2021, PDF 13 pages....

★★★★★ $10
Boyet Vargas
The Four Card Mystery Presents: Remote Viewing by Boyet Vargas

The Four Card Mystery Presents: Remote Viewing is a two-phase four-card mentalism routine. It enables you to see the locations of four cards through your participant even after the cards are mixed.

  • No force involved
  • No secret markings
  • No gimmicks
  • You don’t need to see how the cards are mixed
  • The participant has freedom on the mixing process
  • The effect can also be performed via video call

This effect uses a newly developed method that enables you to have the participant mix the cards and yet, the mentalist is still able to determine and control the possible outcomes.

"4CS deal...

Boyet Vargas
Person of Interest by Boyet Vargas

Person of Interest is an upgrade to the original effect "Mental Assassin." This is a pocket mentalism effect that fits inside your wallet that can be performed anytime, anywhere. The participant thinks of a word and a person associated with the chosen word and the mentalist is able to identify both every time.

  • No truth teller/liar plot
  • No Force. Different word every time
  • Can be done via video call

The method used in this effect is based on one of my newly developed principle for identifying chosen words or objects without the obvious interrogation.

"Clever - I like how you are...

★★★★★ $5
Boyet Vargas
Bicycle Word Test by Boyet Vargas

The Bicycle Word Test is a think-of-a-word effect that uses common props used among magicians and mentalists. The spectator is asked to think of a word using this prop and the mentalist is able to divine the word successfully.

  • No asking of questions
  • No secret writing
  • No anagram involved
  • Simple mind-reading method
  • Possible to perform via video call or phone

This uses the Bicycle card box as the prop.

1st edition 2021, PDF 6 pages.

★★★★ $10
Boyet Vargas
Find Me If You Can by Boyet Vargas

Find Me If You Can is a two-phase four-card mentalism routine that starts off with exploring the spectator's capability of finding their card using their subconscious mind and finishing off with the mentalist finding the card.

  • No force involved
  • No secret markings
  • No gimmicks
  • You don't need to see the cards
  • The effect can also be performed via video call
The secret used in this routine is a combination of ideas by Bob Hummer, Biagio Fasano, and Boyet Vargas.

1st edition 2021, PDF 8 pages.

★★★★ $4
Boyet Vargas
Ten-Ten Marking System by Boyet Vargas

Ten-Ten Marking System is a reliable playing card marking system for creating a marked deck that is easy to read and understand, based on the binary system, and practically invisible to your spectators. Easily identify each card at a glance.

  • Easy to read marking system
  • Easy to learn and remember
  • Inexpensive and easy to make

1st edition 2020, PDF 6 pages.

Boyet Vargas
The Drawing Mystery by Boyet Vargas

The mentalist invites four spectators for a drawing experiment. Three of them are asked to draw while the fourth spectator acts as a medium between the mentalist and the other three spectators. The mentalist is able to identify the owner of the drawings, including the chosen drawing of the fourth spectator, and then finally, the mentalist demonstrates his skill in drawing duplication.

  • No force
  • No setup
  • No stooges
  • What the Spectator Experiences
  • The Secret
  • Background History
  • Breakdown of the Method
    • Props Needed
    • Marking the Cards
    • Card Orientation
    • Spectators' Roles ...
Boyet Vargas
The Final Destination by Boyet Vargas

"I think it is very good" - Marc Salem

"Amazing" - Ever Elizalde

The spectator hides an imaginary object and the mentalist is able to determine its location.

  • Does not use truth-teller/liar plot
  • The spectator answers the questions in their mind
  • Can be performed via video call
  • Can be performed via phone call
  • Propless

1st edition 2021, PDF 9 pages.

Boyet Vargas
All Four Two by Boyet Vargas

"Brilliant" - Marc Salem

"I love the style of thinking in using your brain to the extra leg work to create something fun and engaging for your spectators!" - Ben Cardal

The spectator plays a "Charades" like game with the mentalist. And in every round of the game, the mentalist always gets it right. Lastly, the mentalist performs a mind-reading effect that identifies objects that the spectator is thinking of.

  • No force
  • Can be performed via video call
  • Can be propless
  • Can include a drawing duplication effect
  • Does not use truth-teller/liar plot
  • Can use different objects
Contents: ...
Displaying 1 to 14 (of 14 products)