This is a very good book on Cagliostro, because Trowbridge does not simply parrot the opinion of other authors who wrote about Cagliostro, but he did his own research and came to his own conclusions. One can certainly argue about some of Trowbridge's conclusions, but overall this is a very thorough and detailed description and analysis of Cagliostro's life.
- Preface
- Bibliography
- Part I
- Chapter I: The Power Of Prejudice
- Chapter II: Giuseppe Balsamo
- Part II
- Chapter I: Cagliostro In London
- Chapter II: Eighteenth Century Occultism
- Chapter III: Masked And Unmasked
- Chapter IV: The Conquest Of The Cardinal
- Chapter V: Cagliostro In Paris
- Chapter VI: The Diamond Necklace Affair
- Chapter VII: Cagliostro Returns To London
- Chapter VIII: "Nature's Unfortunate Child"
1st edition 1910, 312 pages; PDF 176 pages.
word count: 85790 which is equivalent to 343 standard pages of text