This superb script allows a mentalist or psychic entertainer to apparently reveal any spectator's life, from the cradle to the grave. Is it mind reading? ESP? Vulcan Mind Meld? No, it's Larsen and McCarron's Life Span Reading, the psychic worker's "secret sauce" that, judiciously used, will convince most anyone that you have real psychic ability.
Not a trick, but a psychological profile that fits nearly anyone who walks in the door. Life readings such as this have been jealously guarded by office mediums, who use the spiel to convince the client of the psychic's innate ability. Yet, no special ability is needed or required. This manuscript gives you everything you need.
The authors reveal how to use it to best advantage, combining a bit of cold reading and spectator response to make this a thought-provoking demonstration that smacks of genuine psychic ability.
This revised edition adds five chapters of new content to the original, making it even more of a "must have" for anyone looking to add to their psychic repertoire.
From the Introduction by B. W. McCarron:
Turns a simple lecture into a remarkable, personal reading that your client will long remember.
1st edition 1943, PDF 19 pages.
word count: 5804 which is equivalent to 23 standard pages of text